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yes mammals do use internal reproduction as they are more likely to survive longer as they are less likely to be eaten.

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Q: Do mammals use internal reproduction
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a moose is a mammal and most mammals have internal organs

Which mammals use internal fertilisation?

All mammals use internal fertilization.

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As a mammal moose have internal reproduction

What are the modes of reproduction in animals?

Sexual reproduction is the mode of reproduction for cows. They use internal fertilization which means the egg is fertilized inside the cow.

What is internal reproduction?

Internal reproduction is the system used by most mammals were an egg is fertilized within the body of a female and the developing fetus remains inside the female body until birth.

What animals have internal reproduction?

Sorry, not fish. But all repiles and birds lay eggs (which is sort of semi-internal) [note there are a few exceptions which have live births {i.e, the egg developes inside}] and all mammals have internal reproduction.

Do mammals use internal or external reproduction?

actually fogs reproduce sexually but in an indirect way because when male frogs attracts female frog they both meet under water the male frog leaves his sperms in water and female frog collets it

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What is the mode of reproduction of cat?

The cat, like all mammals uses sexual reproduction, with internal fertilization. The foetuses develop inside the mother and the young are born alive.

Do mammals reproduce?

Most mammals use sexual reproduction, where fertilization is internal, and give live birth.Some mammals are oviparous (egg laying) mammals called monotremes, namely platypuses and echidnas -- the young are not born live but are nursed after they hatch.Pouched mammals and placental mammals give birth to tiny young ones, so are called viviparous.Sexual intercourse