

Do many people know what Norse myths are about?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Only a very small percentage of the worlds population know what the Norse myths are about.

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Q: Do many people know what Norse myths are about?
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Why does Norse mythology suck?

It's all in a matter of opinion. I personally love Norse Mythology because I myself am Norse. It is not a very popular mythology and not many people know about it. Many people don't like it because of it's dark depressiveness and terrible endings. But there are some good stories in it.

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some myths and legends are mintar the labyrinth gods atlantis mermaids fairys cerberus- the 3 headed dog anything else u can add them to your answers

Why is Norse mythology important?

Many modern day things take names or ideas from Norse mythology. some of the more know are the days of the week Friday - Freya's day Thursday-Thor's day Santa clause was an image of Odin. there is a lot taken from those myths. read them and find out

What is Thor famous for?

Thor was/is famous for many things, most people know him for being the Norse God of Thunder.

When and how did people know or think that myths were real?

There have never been a time in human history when there were not at least some people who believed that myths are real. To this day, many people believe in myths. As for the way that this comes about, we all have only a limited knowledge of reality, and we try to make sense of it in our own way, so different people come to different conclusions.

What are mythologies?

The definition is: 'The body of myths (sacred stories) of a particular culture, or of humankind as a whole; the study and interpretation of such myths.' Basically, in ancient times, the people would consider 'Mythology' as their Religion. Mythology is filled with gods, goddesses and stories. Some mythologies include Egyptian mythology, Greek mythology and Norse mythology. There are many more - check them out. :)

How has Norse mythology affect today's culture?

Norse Mythology has affected today's culture in many ways. One way is that J.R.R Tolkien characters and beings in the Lord of the Rings books, creatures such as elves, were inspired by Norse Myths. Another way is that on the game series's, Halo, Master Chiefs armor is called Mjollner, which is Thor's hammer.

Why did they invent myths?

People invented myths for many reasons. Some times they were used to explain things we couldn't understand. For example: people in the times of ancient Greece did not know what caused a whirlpool that was located in the mediteranian. They created the myth of Charybdis, a monster that lives underwater, sucking in water to get food. Other times myths were created just for entertainment.

Did Freya have any Norse Myths?

I havnt come across any Norse myths just revolving around Freya. However a fair few contain Freya and a couple are quite heavily based upon her, one of these being when Od goes missing and Freya goes around the world looking for him. A few myths revolve around her Beauty and quite often baddies use her as ransom. Freya also has an eagle cloak which often has saved the lives of many a god or goddess.

What were the main characters of Greek Myths?

many different people

Who wrote the myths?

Myths have been written by many people and cultures. Some come from oral traditons before people could read. Many myths were used to explain things the ancients didn't have answers for in nature and life. Some were for teaching morals and lessons. Today there are urban myths in our culture.