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Q: Do meeting minutes need a motion for acceptance?
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Do secreatry minutes need a motion accept then be seconded?

The minutes are a record of the proceedings of the meeting. A motion needs to be moved to accept the minutes and then seconded to be accepted as a true record of the meeting. The minutes do not need to be read but each member can have a copy. Unless someone objects then the minutes are accepted as a true and proper record of the last meeting. A motion to precede the acceptance motion can be put if a ,member believes the minutes do not reflect a true and proper record.

What do you say after the minutes of a meeting are read?

The Chairperson, Seargent at Arms, MC, etc does this... You first ask if any amendments need to be made to minutes. If there are none you make a motion to accept the minutes as presented. All in favor vote. All opposed vote. Record the votes (indictaing who voted & how) in the current meeting minutes. Done.

Who should receive meeting minutes?

Every Individual who was part of the meeting must receive the meeting minutes. Some senior members of the team who need to be made aware of the meeting updates too should receive them minutes

What do you say to adopt minutes of a meeting?

The Chairperson, Seargent at Arms, MC, etc does this... You first ask if any amendments need to be made to minutes. If there are none you make a motion to accept the minutes as presented. All in favor vote. All opposed vote. Record the votes (indictaing who voted & how) in the current meeting minutes. Done. FYI - this is a duplicate question

Why and when do you need a motion to close a meeting?

read roberts rules of order which govern all meetings

What is a pre meeting documents?

Pre meeting documents are all the relevant documents that you need to have before a meeting. This may include previous minutes, agenda paper and so on.

What is pre meeting document?

Pre meeting documents are all the relevant documents that you need to have before a meeting. This may include previous minutes, agenda paper and so on.

Which is true about writing meeting minutes?

The date and time the meeting is called to order should be noted. Board members in attendance and absent should be documented as well as any guests and their titles. All votes, who motioned, and who seconded should be documented. Any dissenting or abstaining board members should be listed by name. Any reports given should be referenced. The time the meeting is adjourned should be noted.

How do you write a minute?

Do you mean how do you write minutes? (of a meeting). In the minutes of a meeting you should record: who was present who was absent - gave their apologies who said what - in any discussions that took place. what actions were agreed who was to do the action what time the meeting opened and closed- maybe when the next meeting will take place All this depends on how formal the meeting is some informal meeting don't need all the details.

Jameel is travelling to a meeting that is 28 miles away he needs to be there in 30 minutes how does fast he need to go to make it to the meeting on time?

Speed = Distance / Time = 28 miles / 30 minutes = 56 miles per hour - on average.

What is the purpose of the minutes?

The purpose of the two-minute's hate is for people to express their hate for certain things, or more accurately, "Big Brother's" hate for certain things.

What do you say to motion at a meeting?

First you need to have standing (permission) to rise and speak, let alone make a motion at a meeting. For example, at a public meeting of a planning commission, only the commissioners can make a motion, although the chairperson of the meeting may (at his or her discretion) recognize a member of the public provide input on an issue prior to taking a vote. A recognized member (or alternate voting delegate) may make a motion, at the proper time, by simply saying, "I would like to make the following motion", and then continuing with his or her idea. Many times it is less formal, such as "I move that we accept the minutes as read", or "I make a motion that we suspend the rules and waive the reading of the treasurer's report." The chairperson may immediately rule you "out of order" for a number of reasons, and ask you to sit down and be quiet. At the proper time, you may again attempt to make a motion. After that, there is typically a "second" to the motion, or (if no second) a very uncomfortable pause while the motion fails to even elicit support of one other member (it is very embarrassing when this happens, and sometimes results in immediate resignation by the member whose motion was not seconded). Once the motion has been seconded, the chairperson can ask for any discussion, which may include a motion to amend the primary motion, or a motion to withdraw (or suspend action upon) the primary motion, among other things. Eventually, any motion not tabled or withdrawn must be voted upon, or the meeting suspended (adjourned) until further information can be obtained by those who wish to continue discussing it before voting...