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Depends on the man. Some do, some don't, it is unwise, unfair and impossible to generalise.

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Q: Do men lie about having a girl friend?
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Do guys lie about loving a girl Me and my best friend know we have feelings for each other though we threw the I'm not ready card pls help?

Men can lie about the feelings they have for a women, it's best to wait until both parties want to confess their feelings for one another.

Is a man cheating when they call an old girl friend?

No it is not the case that men are cheating if they call their old girl friend. It might be the fact that he treats her as a friend. It can totally be that case, do not take that negatively.

Why would a man get his best friend to talk to a girl for him?

Many reasons:The man might not be a good talker.The man might be shy around the girl.The friend can sell the man better. If the friend compliments the man, he is being a good friend, but if the man compliments himself, he may look like a braggart.The friend might have a specific connection with that girl that they can talk about to get the girl to relax and forget about the attraction tension.Positional reasons. Some men like to play a game of positioning, and by having the girl come up to him, he does not have to admit he is chasing her.Complicated reasons depending on the situation: if the girl might had at sometime had a relation or feelings for the friend, it might be easier to interject the friend to start the conversation.

Your friend is obsessed with having a baby and sleeps with men when she knows she is ovulating is this illegal?

Illegal no. Unethical YES!

Why some men speak on the phone with their girl friend among friend gathering?

they must feel the conversation/ person is more important than the event

How do Amish people date?

The men send a friend or cousin to ask the girl out. They do not do it themselves... ( breaking Amish )

When a girl get rendy how do i know?

Oh, you'll know my friend, they're worse than men when they get randy.

Is skrillex a girl or boy?

Skrillex is a girl and that is FINAL! (LIE) Skrillex is a borl and is always gonna be anomonys and YOU won't ever find out untill you, you know.....

Why do men always lie to you?

I'm male, and I don't lie to people...

Do Lee Jung Jin has a girl friend?

As of now, no. I just watched him on Qualifications of Men and he said he doesn't have a girlfriend.

Do men lie more than females?

Well....Yes. Men lie around women because they get more nervous.

Do girls lie more than men?

There is no definitive answer to this question as individuals, regardless of gender, have the capacity to lie. Research shows that both men and women lie, but they may lie for different reasons or in different contexts. It is important to avoid generalizations and focus on addressing dishonest behavior in all individuals.