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Yes, some men can have female friends without sex involved. My husband has had some female friends he grew up with or knows at work and I've had them for dinner. They do not go out together (with the exception of coffee on occasion) but the attitude one should have is to get over the myth that because a man has a female friend there has to be sex involved and, if the man in question is going to cheat there isn't much you can do about it with the exception of kicking their hides out the door. Women also can have male friends and it's nothing more. If you are having problems with your partner saying that a certain woman is his friend then be smart and invite her to dinner and if he feels uncomfortable about this then there may be more than friendship there. If he is happy about it then he respects you for being open about it and sneakily you can size up the situation.

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Q: Do men really have female friends?
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they can.

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How do you make female friends if you're a guy?

You become friends with female people by socially interacting with them without hitting on them. It's really not that hard.

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Answer I have female friends that I think the world off, but that doesn't mean that I love any of them or want to sleep with them. They are friends and only friends, I have no sexual desires towards them so men can have female friends and not feel anything for them.

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If you are really good friends only (with a female) then 'buddy' is just fine. Often men of all ages will refer to a good friend as a 'buddy'.

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Yes and also wives. Of course they do. Police men are humanbeings with a personality and many friends, both male and female.

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What are you perverted, you really should stop thinking about those things

What is friend in Spanish?

Amigo for men, amiga for women. if theres female and male friends about then it is amigos

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female friends

Why does my boyfriend of nearly a year wants permission to see his best girl friends booty?

He doesn't take your relationship seriously or doesn't know what one is. Guys don't have female friends since men and women have different interests. Any female friends should be yours that maybe he can be friends with mutually. If he really is your boyfriend why does he need to see other girls naked. Most of us would dump any man that asked that question-but the decision is yours.

Can men and women be bestfriends?

Yes 100%, it doesn't matter if they are male or female, if they are your friend then it's fine! A lot of my very close friends are guys and that's all they are, friends!

Is it a good idea to let your boyfriend or husband travel to Las Vegas with four of his female friends?

It depends on the individual man. Some men can be with a group of women and never cheat on their girlfriend or wife, while other men will. It would seem odd that a boyfriend or husband would go off with four female friends and not invite his wife. If the wife has to work and cannot get the time off then only she knows just how much she can trust her husband with his female friends.