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No. Migraines are characterized as headaches which last 4 hours to several days.

If you have headaches which are characterized by coming every day, for a short time, at the same time every day, you may have Cluster Headaches.

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Q: Do migraine cause you sweat feeling like passing out thistledown severe headache lasting twenty to thirty minute a day?
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Were should you go if have an 8 day migraine?

A Migraine lasting longer than 3 days is called Status Migrainousus and can be an emergency situation. It is recommended that those with a Migraine attack lasting longer than 3 days seek the help of a physician or headache specialist for help aborting the attack.

What is Status Migraines?

Status Migrainosus is defined by the ICHD II as: A debilitating Migraine attack lasting longer than 72 hrs. The pain must be both unremitting for 72 hrs and severe. See your physician or headache specialist for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders.

Can you have a migraine for four days.. After 3 I went to ER and they gave me an IV and 6 oxycodone pills and told me that's what it was. Still here this morning an hasnt tapered off at all?

Migraine can be episodic - lasting less than 3 days, occurring 14 or fewer times per month. Migraine can be chronic - lasting less than 3 days, occurring 15 or more days per month. Migraine can be intractable - it doesn't respond to appropriate medication. (Opioids are not considered appropriate medicine and do not help to abort the Migraine process. They can in fact make the situation actually worse.) Many medicines can be given via IV, and it's impossible to tell if you received anything truly helpful from your question. Severe Migraines lasting longer than 3 days may be Status Migraine which can be an emergency. The emergency room is one of the worst places for Migraineurs. Instead, seek the help of a headache specialist who is uniquely qualified to diagnose, treat and prevent Migraine and other headache disorders. A Migraine may last many days, but there are over 100 different headache disorders, so appropriate diagnosis is important for a good outcome.

How long does a migrane last?

It depends on the reason you're getting the migraine really. If they're stress related, they usually subside after a few minutes to a few hours. However, if they're caused by something more serious, such as cluster headaches, they can last for days without treatment.

Where in the head is a migraine?

A migraine headache is a neurological disorder and a specific primary headache classification. There are 4 stages to a migraine attack:ProdromeAuraPain/headacheResolution/PostdromeA migraine attack may contain any one or more of these stages.Pain is usually one-sided and throbbing and can range from mild to incapacitating, lasting hours to days. A Migraine lasting over 3 days is called status migrainousus and is considered an emergency.The pain of migraine is only part of an attack however, as migraines actually herald a whole host of changes to the entire body.There are two main types of migraine acknowledged by the International Headache Society, but there are many sub-categories which may be used to help identify the patient's particular symptoms. The two main types are: migraine without aura (used to be called common migraine), and migraine with aura (used to be called classic migraine).Other types of migraine diagnoses a patient may receive are:Retinal migraine (migraine with aura in one eye)Hemiplegic migraine (a type of migraine with aura)Migraine with brainstem aura (used to be called basilar artery migraine)Acephalgic migraine (migraine without pain)Transformed migraine (migraine that had an episodic pattern, now with chronic pattern)Chronic migraine (migraine and headache 15 days or more per month)Vestibular migraine (migraine with vertigo)Abdominal migraineComplicated migraine (migraine with aura and stroke-like symptoms)Migraines are usually triggered by environmental and other factors that change the homeostasis of the body/brain of the patient. Triggers often include:red wineMSG, aspartame, nitrites and other food additivesweathercaffeinemenstruationdehydrationchanges in sleep patternchanges in normal eating patternmedicationsphysical exertionbright lightsstrong smellsloud noise

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Sudden Distortion of Vision lasting 15 30 minutes followed by a massive migraine headache What could it be?

That is a question I would recommend bringing up with your doctor. While visual disturbances are quite normal with migraines it can also be a sign of something much more serious.

Symptoms of migraine?

Symptoms of migraines can vary wildly from person to person. There are many different types of migraine, which is a recurrent neurological disorder. Each type has their own set of possible symptoms.General Diagnosis:When a doctor is looking to diagnose migraine there are certain specific points he is looking for. Below is the criteria used by the International Headache Society. These points do not cover every migraine sufferer's experience, but are meant to provide a framework of most common symptoms for physicians:A: 5 or more episodes for migraine without aura, 2 or more episodes of migraine with aura.B: Attacks lasting 4-72 hours.C: Headache quality has two of the following:1) pain is on one side of the head2) pulsating quality3) moderate or severe pain quality4) pain is aggravated by physical activityD: During headache at least one of the following:1) nausea and/or vomiting2) sensitivity to light and soundE: Not caused by another disorder.Prodrome:The first phase of a migraine is caused the prodrome phase. While all people go through this phase, approximately only half of the people will be able to identify it. It can best be described as feeling generally bad for hours or days before you get a migraine, although some people may only experience negligible symptoms, or symptoms which do not make a person feel ill (such as extra yawning, or hyperactivity). The array of possible symptoms and the fact that they can easily be caused by something other than a migraine are why the prodrome phase is unable to be identified by so many sufferers.Aura:There are two main categories of migraine - classic migraine (migraine with aura) and common (migraine without aura). After the prodrome phase, the aura phase of a migraine begins. The most well-known migraine auras are visual disturbances, but auditory hallucinations, dizziness, problems speaking, and other things are also known to occur. The aura phase can last for 15 minutes to a couple of hours and can overlap into the next phase. In the rarer subtypes of migraine, people can have what is known as a persistent aura, which can last for days or weeks.Headache:Next, the actual headache phase occurs. Migraine headaches are generally described as one-sided and throbbing or pulsing, but that isn't characteristic of everyone. Some people have the pain on both sides of the head, certain types of migraines involve headache pain which is at the base of the skull. There is also a type of migraine that does not involve head pain - but sufferers experience the prodrome, aura, postdrome symptoms - as well as other symptoms of the Pain phase beside the actual pain.Most times, the pain of a migraine headache is not responsive to over-the-counter medication such as acetaminophen, although some people are lucky are will respond. The earlier you are able to take such medication (whether OTC or prescription) the more likely a chance you have to disrupt the headache cycle, which is why it is so important to identify the prodrome and aura phases.Most people also experience nausea, though not everyone vomits. Other symptoms are vertigo or lightheadedness, sensitivity to light, sounds, smells, and/or touch, a tender scalp, stuttering, fatigue, sweating, and an inability to concentrate.The headache phase of a migraine usually lasts 4-72 hours.Postdrome:Finally, the postdrome phase is the recovery phase. It may last a few hours or a few days. It can include fatigue, mood alteration, a lingering headache, et cetera.Please note that if you have a migraine that lasts more than 72 hours you need to contact a medical professional. Migraines that last this long have been associated with extremely rare but serious complications, and you need to make sure that everything is okay.

What are the lasting effects for carbon monoxide?

Examples are: headache, confusion, vertigo and finally death.

What helps a migrane headache?

Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by moderate to severe headaches, and nausea. It is about three times more common in women than in men.[1] The word derives from the Greek ἡμικρανία (hemikrania), "pain on one side of the head",[2] from ἡμι- (hemi-), "half", and κρανίον (kranion), "skull".[3]The typical migraine headache is unilateral (affecting one half of the head) and pulsating in nature and lasting from two to 72 hours; symptoms include nausea, vomiting, photophobia (increased sensitivity to light) and phonophobia (increased sensitivity to sound); the symptoms are generally aggravated by routine activity.[4][5] Approximately one-third of people who suffer from migraine headaches perceive an aura---transient visual, sensory, language, or motor disturbances signaling the migraine will soon occur.[6][7]Initial treatment is with analgesics for the headache, an antiemetic for the nausea, and the avoidance of triggers. The cause of migraine headache is unknown; the most supported theory is that it is related to hyperexcitability of the cerebral cortex and/or abnormal control of pain neurons in the trigeminal nucleus of the brainstem.[8]Studies of twins indicate a 60- to 65-percent genetic influence upon their propensity to develop migraine headaches.[9][10] Moreover, fluctuating hormone levels indicate a migraine relation: 75 percent of adult patients are women, although migraine affects approximately equal numbers of prepubescent boys and girls. Propensity to migraine headache sometimes disappears during pregnancy, but in some women, migraines may become more frequent.[11

What characterizes migraine headaches?

Migraine headaches are characterized by throbbing or pulsating pain of moderate or severe intensity lasting from four hours to as long as three days. The pain is typically felt on one side of the head.

What is a word that means make a lasting feeling or image?
