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I believe some, and the spot you're referring to is a gravid spot.

Mollies, unlike guppies, don't have as much transparency to their bodies as guppies do and might not show a gravid spot (but they do have them all the same).

Mollies plump up a lot when pregnant as well, it will defiantly be noticeable.

You can also check the sex of the fish as well; if the anal fin (the one at the bottom of their bodies) is long, "pointed" and usually kept rolled up close to their bodies, it's a male, if the anal fin is rounded and "fan-shaped", it's a female.

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Q: Do mollies have a black spot when pregnant?
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usually most mollies have a gravid spot meaning it is a black spt near the anal fin and these are found on colored mollies where on a black molly, you can see it cause the mark is black but if you have an orange molly definetly a gravid spot and when she is ready to birth, she will look like a square where her stomach is. good luck! :)

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Golden mollies stay pregant from 60 to 70 days

Can a male guppy have a black spot?

Many male guppies have 'black spots' but if by "black spot" you mean "gravid spot" then no, a male guppy can not be 'gravid' because gravid is the equivalent of "pregnant" and male guppies can not get pregnant.

How do you know when you black mollly pregnant?

If you bought your female molly from a pet shop where the mollies were all kept together then in all probability she will be pregnant. You will notice that she puts on weight around the tummy area.

When does the black spot go away on a pregnant guppy?

The black spot will not go away as it is the eyes of the fry through the pale skin of the guppy. As the pregnancy progressess, the (black) gravid spot will get darker, and the fry will mature.

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I would say a bubble nest yet mollies are live berriers are they real mollies then?

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Is my black molly pregnant or fat?

my guess is that she is pregnant because she would be fat all around. if u notice her belly becoming square that means she will deliver soon. good luck! i currently have 7 mollies, 2 silver,2 black, 2 dalmatian and one yellow. 2 of them are males and the other 5 are females. i am pretty sure that one of my black mollies is pregnant, knowing that sheis plump. it is hard to tell when she will give birth though. they usually have 20+ fry so be prepared! good luck!

My guppy has a red pregnant spot instead of a black one what does this mean?

That is quite common. Don't worry about it. A gravid spot does not have to be dark or black. Your guppy is perfectly normal.

If you keep pregnant mollys with baby guppies will it hurt them?

they should mollies arnt that aggresive but if the guppies are small enough it is possible the mollies will eat them but its not likely

Will black mollies mate with silver mollies?

Yes they are the same species . The only difference it the colour. Just like a black person having children with a white person.

How do Black Mollies Give Birth?

Mollies actually give birth to live young, they are one of the few tropical fish species who do this.