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Mollies actually give birth to live young, they are one of the few tropical fish species who do this.

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Q: How do Black Mollies Give Birth?
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Do tropical mollies lay eggs or give birth to live?

Yes they are.

Mollies give birth to how many?

mollies have babies 4 times after mating, and it takes around 50 days for them to have their babies. they give birth to live fry.

Does salmon give birth to young alive?

No, they lay their eggs if fertilized, in a pebble bed in the river, in which they were themselves born.

Do glofish give live birth?

Glofish are a variation of the Zebrafish. Zebrafish do not give live birth, so neither do glofish. But on the otherhand, if you want fish that give live birth: Guppies, Mollies, Platies, and Swordtails give live birth. (These are all Freshwater)

Which two fish do not hatch from eggs?

Fish which do not lay eggs, but give birth to live young, include:guppymollymosquito fishplatyswordtail

How will mollies act right before giving birth?

Some mollies die after giving birth due to the stress of it, but it is usually rare. most mollies survive.

How do mollies have babbie's?

Mollies are live-bearers, which mean the majority reproduce by giving birth to live babies.

What is fish that give birth?

Guppies, mollies, swordtail fish, four-eyed fish, and platies or moonfish. There might be more though.

Why are your male black mollies making bubbles on the surface of your tank?

I would say a bubble nest yet mollies are live berriers are they real mollies then?

Do black mollies flout normally?


Does molly lay egg?

nope they hatch alive so be shure to hav a lot of plants and decorations for them to hide in

What home aquarium fish are pregnant?

Guppies, mollies and platys become pregnant and give birth to their young, live, instead of laying eggs.