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Yes they are.

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Mollies are livebearers.

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Q: Do tropical mollies lay eggs or give birth to live?
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How do Black Mollies Give Birth?

Mollies actually give birth to live young, they are one of the few tropical fish species who do this.

Does salmon give birth to young alive?

No, they lay their eggs if fertilized, in a pebble bed in the river, in which they were themselves born.

What home aquarium fish are pregnant?

Guppies, mollies and platys become pregnant and give birth to their young, live, instead of laying eggs.

Which two fish do not hatch from eggs?

Fish which do not lay eggs, but give birth to live young, include:guppymollymosquito fishplatyswordtail

Does fishes lay egg?

Yes Many species of fish do indeed lay eggs. There are also fish species that give live birth, sharks and small aquarium fish suck as mollies and guppies are examples. These fish that give live birth are called "livebearers".

Do all fish lays eggs?

No, not all fish lay eggs. There are some fish that give birth to live young. One example is some species of shark. Other examples are mollies, swordtail, platies and guppies. not true

Mollies give birth to how many?

mollies have babies 4 times after mating, and it takes around 50 days for them to have their babies. they give birth to live fry.

Do molly lay eggs?

That's correct, mollies do bear live young. Though on rare occasions, they do, for whatever reason, "abort" their pregnancies. Just this evening a heavily pregnant black molly of mine produced about a dozen bright orange eggs, and three fry. One of the fry is seriously underdeveloped and wont make it, I'm certain. The babies have been having a feast on the leftover eggs, so there must be a reason for this behaviour. It may be an instinctive response, as my mollies live in a large tank with some large fish. It could be that my molly has exhausted her supply of sperm, and only fertilised the eggs she could. There are any number of reasons. It is a shock seeing eggs appear, where usually the explosive darting fry greet one at a molly pregnancy, but it does happen!

Is a fish born alive or eggs?

Most fish hatch from eggs. However, there are some livebearers, such as mollies guppies, swordtails and platies. These fish retain the eggs within the body and give birth to live young.

Do zebra fish lay eggs?

Not all tropical fish lay eggs. Some, such as tiger barbs and daninos do lay eggs, while others such as guppies and sword-tails give live birth.

Tropical oceans mammals that lay eggs?

There are no marine mammals which lay eggs. Apart from the monotremes (egg laying mammals), which include just the platypus and two species of echidnas, no mammals lay eggs. Therefore, all the mammals in the tropical ocean give birth to live young.

Do pumas give birth or lay eggs?

They give birth