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Dr. Bryan Grieg Fry - Venomdoc - HomepageIt turns out most monitor lizards are venomous contrary to what was earlier believed, though not all may cause very serious injury.
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12y ago

usually, for example, komodo dragons have killed many people, but other species of monitor lizards like the desert monitor are commonly kept as pets and can't do much harm. in Asia people enjoy feeding the wild water monitors. So, overall yes, monitor lizards can harm people, but they can also help humanity

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12y ago

Yes they do today I saw a boscs monitor hanging upside down the only problem is the are so big.

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somewhere in Africa river

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Q: Do monitor lizards bite humans
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What type of lizards bite humans?

NONE gosh u ppl dont know anything bout lizards

Do monitor lizards have backbones?

Yes, monitor lizards are vertebrates

Do long tailed lizards bite?

Lizards never bite.

Do lizards bite humans?

Yes, most lizards bite. Some lizards squirt blood through their naked eye, whilst other lizards wave their tail to scare predators away. Yes, most lizards can bite as a weapon for self defense. However lizards that are kept in captivity, such as iguanas, are less likely to bite humans because they are used to human contact. Some lizards give a warning before biting - if a lizard opens its mouth wide, swells and hisses at the same time, this is a warning that it may be about to bite.

Are yellow spotted lizard dangerous?

Yes, yellow spotted lizards are dangerous. They are venomous and their bite can be deadly to humans. It is important to avoid contact with these lizards in order to stay safe.

Does monitor lizard have scales?

Yes. Monitor lizards, like all other lizards, have scales.

Why are lizards dangerous?

Some lizards carry very deadly bacteria n there mouths. If some lizards bute you, the bacteria in the saliva can soemtimes kill. There are many differentw ays lizards are dangerous. Some also have very sharp claws and some salamanders and lizards have poision on there skin. And if you dont play with a bearded dragon lizard every day it becomes very meanand uncontrollable and could attack.

Are monitor lizards endanger?

Monitor lizards are a type of lizards characterised by certain morphological features, the most prominent one being its forked tongue. Not all types are endangered, and to say: "Monitor lizards are an endangered species" would be incorrect. While many species of lizards are a part of this monitor category, not all are endangered.

Do dingoes eat monitor lizards?

Yes. Dingoes kill and eat deer, boar, monitor lizards, and carrion.

Are wall lizards poisonous or dangerous?

Wall lizards are not poisonous or dangerous to humans. They are non-venomous and generally not aggressive towards humans. However, like all wild animals, they may bite if they feel threatened or cornered, so it's best to observe them from a safe distance.

A komodo dragon is what sort of animal?

A komodo dragon is a lizard, most closely related to the monitor lizards.

Do mynahs eat monitor lizards?
