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Yes the cousin to the monkey is and ape or gorilla.

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Q: Do monkeys have cousins
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Are humans cousins to monkeys and gorillas?


What are some differences of a chimpanzee and a monkey?

monkeys have tails! Also, genetically speaking, if Chimps are our cousins, then monkeys are our 2nd cousins (we are more closely related to chimps, genetically speaking). :)

Will there be an end to monkeys?

I hope not because that could signal the end of us humans too. After all, monkeys are our distant anthropological cousins.

Are humans related chimps?

yes in fact they are! Gorilla's chimp's and monkeys are our cousins!

What is wrong with the statement 'monkeys evolved into humans?

Humans share a common ancestor with apes and monkeys. Apes and monkeys are more like our cousins than our grandparents. Thus present day monkeys can not be our ancestors, humans can not be evolved from monkeys.

What is the difference between new world monkeys and old world monkeys?

New World Monkeys. Many New World monkeys in the family Atelidae, which includes howler monkeys, spider monkeys and woolly monkeys, have grasping tails often with a bare tactile pad. This is in contrast with their distant Old World monkey cousins who do not have prehensile tails.

What are the top facts about monkeys?

monkeys are mammals. monkeys have tails unlike their cousins [apes].

What are the monkeys with colored faces?

I don't know if this is what you meant, but the monkeys with colored faces are called baboons.That is technically incorrect. The monkeys with colored faces are called mandrills, which are close cousins of the baboon. Rafiki in the movie "The Lion King" was a mandrill.

What are monkeys enemies?

The monkeys enemies are: big cats, tigers, jaguars and big snakes, which are pythons and boa constrictors . Sometimes apes kill the monkeys, which is sad, because they're cousins. Cannabis are also another type of monkey. They'll kill each other if their territory is invaded. Sadly, humans go hunting and kill the monkeys.

Are monkeys humans cousins?

Some see it that way since DNA-wise they are very closer to humans than anything else on Earth.

Is a howler monkey born alive or hatched from a egg?

Monkeys are mammals. The definition of a mammal is an animal which gives birth to live young and feeds them with milk. Monkeys are also our "cousins" genetically speaking - were you hatched from an egg? No, so neither is a monkey.

Who said that people came from monkeys?

According to the theory of evolution, originally proposed by Charles Darwin in his book "The Origin Of Species" human beings and monkeys are both descended from earlier primate species. Monkeys, according to this theory, would be more accurately described as our cousins, than as our ancestors. So actually, nobody has said that people come from monkeys. That would be a misrepresentation of evolutionary theory.