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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that God has given them a health code called the 'Word of Wisdom' which prohibits 'strong drink'. Church leaders have identified 'strong 'drink' as alcoholic drink. In the early days of the church, mild alcoholic drinks such as light beers and wine were permitted, but around 1900 the church became more strict on the matter and beers and wine are no longer viewed as commonly acceptable.

In the past, Mormons celebrated the 'sacrament' (similar to communion) with wine, but have replaced it with water. The official doctrine of the church still states that wine may be used if it is 'of your own make', and also that mild drinks (such as beers) can be consumed if they are 'of your own make' as well. While the vast majority of practicing Mormons avoid all alcoholic beverages, a few do produce their own wine and 'mild drinks' according to the church's historic doctrine for their own consumption.

Check out the 'Related Links' to learn more about Mormons and the 'Word of Wisdom'.

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