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Q: Do most cells have sodium channels?
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The transport of food into cells involves the action of the sodium-potassium pump and channels?


Why blocking the sodium channels result in diarrhoea?

Blocking sodium ion channels reduces the uptake of water from the lumen of the intenstine into the epithelial cells of the villus due to osmosis. Water, therefore, remains in the intestine and this causes watery faeces/diarrhoea

How will preventing the inactivation of sodium channels affect the signaling capability of a neuron?

When sodium channels are not active, it means that the capability of neurons to send the electronic signals in the body weakens. Neurons are nerve cells that communicate by passing Na+ and K+ ions.

What happens to the neuron if sodium channels do not open?

causes chemically gated sodium channels to open

When an individual experiences hypothermia which leakage channel in cells of the sinoatrial node become less permeable and cause the heart rate to decrease?

sodium channels

What part of a neuron would probably be affected most by the application of Novocain?

Novocain blocks calcium channels. Voltage-dependent calcium channels are a group of ion channels found in the membrane of excitable cells such as the axons of neurons and glial cells.

What is the most abundant cation in the fluid surrounding cells?


What are ligand gated ion channels?

they are important in the nervous system they lead to chnages in sodium and calcium concentrations in cells they open or close in response to a chemical signal

What causes the rapid change in the resting membranes potential that initiates an action potential?

In muscle cells the inward current is a sodium + calcium flow through acetycholine activated channels as well as through voltage sensitive calcium channels.

A nerve impulse results from?

It results from the opening of voltage-gated sodium ion channels, causing an influx of sodium ions (influx of positively-charged ions), depolarizing the neuronal membrane.

Where is Most of the communication between the interior and exterior of the cells occurs by way of?

integral protein channels

Action potential is generated by the movement of?

An action potential is propagated in a neuron through the activation of various voltage-gated and ligand-gated ion channels. Examples include sodium and calcium channels and nicotinic-acetylcholine receptors.