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Pubic hair removal is far more common in the US than in Europe.

This is due to taboos surrounding the female body, the idea that women's bodies and especially genitals are inherently dirty, shaving is seen as being more hygienic in women (but not in men - this is purely a cultural perception, with no basis in fact) so shaving the pubic hair is seen as being 'cleaner'. This idea of shaving goes along with applicator tampons being more common in the US (applicators sole purpose is to limit genital contact) and routine infant circumcision under the belief that it's cleaner - these ideas of genitals being dirty and having to modify genitals to be clean is unique to US culture.

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14y ago

Not shave, most women when they want to go to the beach, and they need to shave their pubic hair, they would most likely just get a bikini wax instead. Shaving will save money, but when you put underwear or a swimsuit on it is very uncomfortable.

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This is a personal choice for a woman, some do and some do not.

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Q: Do most women shave their pubic hair?
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Do women like it when men shave their pubic hair?

Yes, men like women with pubic hair. All adult women have pubic hair, thus a man who is attracted to adult women (rather than children) likes to see an adult womans body. Some men may have a preference to their partners removing their pubic hair, but all men should expect and respect that adult women have pubic hair.

Is shaving of pubic hair cause bacterial vaginosis?

I am happy to answer this question as a specialist. Pubic hair is there to protect the vagina for being infected and to keep the sweat away from it, pubic hair can absorb sweat but if you shave it, you are more likely to be infected and to get sick so easily, that can also cause you to get so many rashes. The fact that you shave don't simply mean you are clean or you are not nasty if you don't clean it, you can have lots of pubic hair and be clean at the same time as long as you wash it and clean your vagina often. Pubic hair protects the vagina from dusts, rashes, sweats, It's way better and better not to shave, believe it or not. Let's go back to the old days, Caribbean and most European women don't shave at all, according to a medical survey, Women who shave in AMERICA have more vaginal infections during the last 20 years than the women in the Caribbean and in Europe. BELIEVE IT OR NOT.The society in America wants you to shave because they want to make more money over you and they don't care about your own health. ANDERS!

If Orthodox women don't want to cut or shave their hair can they wear scarves instead?

According to Orthodoxy, women do NOT have to cut or shave their hair. Most orthodox women will wear scarves, hats, or wigs that cover all or most of their hair.

What do most girls do about pubic hair?

Well some just let it grow, and some just shave it off. People are different. Like I keep my pubic hair, but other people might shave it off

Should you have hair on your vagina but not your armpit?

Yes most men and women prefer it that way. Although you can shave your pubic area entirely, most men actually think it's hotter if you have a little there but well groomed.

Do men like women to shave their pubic hairs?

What men like is irrelevant.Aside from the fact not all men share one hive brain, their preferences do not impact on how women personally chose to groom themselves. The fact is that adult women are supposed to have pubic hair, it's part of the role of pubic hair to protect the genitals and pubic hair is a sign of sexual maturity. Most adult men want a sexual partner who looks like a sexually mature adult, not like a pre-pubescent child.

What percentage of men shave there genital area?

According to the website "Fashion and grooming trends have extended below the waist. 23 percent say they shave part of their pubic hair off. Nine percent say they shave all of their pubic hair off.Women in the 18 to 44 age group are more likely to remove hair in their pubic region than women over 45, perhaps because this age group is more likely to think that men prefer a well-manicured pubic region on a woman (38 percent of women aged 18-44 think most men prefer a manicured look, compared to 14 percent of women aged 45-54 and 3 percent of those aged 55 and older).An ObyGyn friend ib=n Denver tells me that over half the women from 15 - 20 shave most or all of their pubic hair. She recommends it for hygiene reasons.

Is it common to shave your pubic hair?

Yes it is very common. Most women shave because they feel embarrassed or they feel it isn't very attractive, so shave away. What I do is that I use Veet on the places with a lot of hair, then I shave around the hole of the vagina so it won't get in there and burn. :) And don't worry about razor bumps around your bikini line if you just shave it, it's common also, but very annoying! Oh, and alcohol doesn't help, it just burns!! I suggest bikini zone for that.

Can i cut my arm hair?

Women regularly shave that kind of hair. For men, most leave it alone - part of being a man I suppose.

Why should girls shave?

some parts of the body need to be shaved do to your body and health and puberty so that's why you should shave unless your a guy then you don't shave

Can girls cut pubic hair?

First of all it helps to keep the vagina clean and mostly during periods, most men prefer having intercourse with a woman who has shaved pubic hair, it is considered sexy by the woman herself and/or her partner, it helps to keep the pubic area dry either from sweating and last but not least; for some women the pubic hair can make the vagina sore during friction and/or hair pulling during sex.

Why do most men and women in ancient Egypt shave there hair or wore it short?

because they had an old belief that says if a person wants to be clean they have to shave their head off.