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No. Stay away from narcissists. They are not truly focussed on anything you did, bad or good. They are focussed only on what they want--and what they want is to be the center of attention at any price. It is very unlikely that you, or anyone else, created an unforgivable injury to a narcissist. At the same time, it is very likely that that narcissist will use anything you did, good, bad or indifferent, to manipulate you into doing more of whatever it is that he or she wants. Don't fall into it. Think of Admiral Ackbar: It's a trap! For real.

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Q: Do narcissists ever forgive and forget a narcissistic injury?
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What is narcissism injury?

"What is a narcissistic injury?" Whatever you internalize from his/her conduct as your fault. As guilt tripping and projecting is apart of abuse and manipulation used by abusers to weaken your sense of self and resolve. If you understand he/she owns their own conduct and self destructive behavior and remove them from the realm of your feelings the injury belongs to them and not you. Best wishes Narcissistic injury is not what the narcissist does to you, but what they think you've done to them. Criticizing the narcissists causes HUGE narcissistic injury. Ignoring a narcissist causes them injury. Failing to see them as Gods...ect. Eventually everyone will cause a narcissistic injury to a narcissist and they will devalue you.

Why does the narcissist keep re-appearing just as you start to feel better?

Narcissists often come back when they think you may have forgotten about them. Narcissists hate to get ignored and they hate to be forgotten so they could be returning just to see if you'll respond to them. It feeds their ego and gives them narcissistic supply to know you'll answer them. From my experience they just want proof that you'll still talk to them. You can't really believe anything they say so don't trust that they want to get back together or talk again. They're just lying. All they want is attention. Keep ignoring them and pretend they don't exist and you'll cause them great pain/narcissistic injury. Once you ignore them, they'll give up and find someone else.

When you ignore a narcissist do they instantly forget you kind of like out of sight out of mind?

I am qualified as a self diagnosed narcissist. If you are authentic and did not cause too much narcissitic injury it is more than possible you will just be deleted from my mind. In fact I honestly may not even recognize you again if we meet. If you caused a narcissistic injury deliberately or I suspect you have I will never forget you. You will be part of my mental process always. Sometimes you will never escape from my thoughts and will haunt me. Sometimes I will seethe in anger and relive again and again the scar as a type of sado masochistic ritual. More than likely though this will only haunt me and you will escape with some psychic wounds. You can get away from me but I can not. Narcissists are victims of our own disorder. It is not pleasant and has no benefit except keeping us alive. Suicide and aggression is a literal and constant threat of the superego which would destroy us and others if not kept in check.

What is a typical reaction from a narcissist when you don't return his call or text message?

Narcissistic Injury, it hurts them more than it should, way more than it should.

What does repay injury with justice and repay kindness with kindness mean?

What this probably means is rebuke the offender but if he repents, than forgive him.

How do you improve balance for sports?

Answerevery sport you use balance Just forget it!

Narcissism in politics?

A scary thought!, lol. It could be like giving a child a gun to play with depending on the situation. Yes there are many narcissists in politics. This would also be quite the source of narcissitic supply as well for the individual, it could also be stressful for them if they screw it up and it turns into a narcissistic injury. I personally believe the same rules apply except everything is bigger and better for the narcissist but riskier and more danagerous for us. Afterall the narcissist is not there for his people, he or she is there for themself.

Elevated AST?

chronic injury (persistent elevation).....chronic disease (mild elevations)....don't forget medication effects!....elevation from acute injury should decrease in 3-7 days post-injury

How do narcissists treat old supply?

Narcissists want as much attention as possible. If you are old supply, they will keep you around as long as they can for whenever they need it. Old supply is just main supply they aren't able to get as much attention from, or they've chewed you up and spit you out and have become bored, but if you still pay attention to them, they will still seek supply from you whenever they need it (when they have suffered narcissistic injury, or are temporarily without a main supply) . why would you care, just run for life! if you are old supply: run! you're just a toy they've gotten sick of, but like to remember playing with... if you are current supply: run! you will be old supply yourself once they've found a better quality supply.

What are sign of brain injury?

i cant help you there but go onto the internet and type in nhs symtoms of a brain injury. i am guesiing you will forget things and have a bad headache sorry if this is no help rebecca kensington

What will happen if you got a cuncussion?

A concussion can be defined as a type of traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body, a fall, or another injury that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull. Some people pass out or forget what happened right before the injury.

Does no contact work with narcissists?

In the view of the narcissist, your point of no contact is a severe injury on his/her ego. It's you saying, "You are not worth my time." There is no energy there for them to feed off of, so they will push to get your narcissistic supply back. It's a predictable cycle. I've been dealing with one for a couple years now. In fact she recently contacted me out of the blue, pleading as the victim, telling me that I was always right...essentially needing comfort from what I could tell. I didn't hesitate in hanging up the phone. The best part is, I didn't recognize her voice for the first twenty seconds of her begging. When I inquired, "Who is this?" Her crying abruptly stopped and she declared, "You know who this is...." I just told her never to contact me again, gave no reason, and hung up the phone. That...I a huge narcissistic injury. It shows that I am not dwelling on her at all. I'm going on a tangent here, but the bottom line is...if they keep popping up, put them back in their place with no contact. It's devastating to them...and most excellent for you, because they can no longer ruin your life.