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The short answer is yes that is possible. Why? Well, first you need to understand that Alzheimers is a disease that grows worse over time. It destroys brain cells and as a result causes severe cognitive losses it critical faculties like memory and thinking.

Getting lost or losing one's sense of direction is relatively common among demantia suffers in general and those with Alzheimers are no exception. What happens is the the disease can destroy brain cells in areas of the brain called the parietal lobes and the hippocampus which in conjunction play a crucial role in the formation of what is known as spatial memory. Spatial memory is what enables you to walk with your eyes closed into a room in your home and not crash into the furniture. It's like having a map of the room stored in your brain so you recall where the various items of furnture are in the room and where they are in relation to each other and the door. Spatial memory is also what enables you the understand maps and find your way home if go out.

So, if your spatial memory is not fully functioning it is quite possible to lose your orientation even in your own home. One saving grace is the fact that the more familiar you are with the surroundings the greater is the brain cell destruction required before one becomes confused and disorientated.

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