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Boys and girls (men and women) can get hernias. Men are 10 times more likely than women to get "inguinal hernia". In men, this occur when part of the intestine protrudes through a weak spot in the abdomen; often along the inguinal canal, which carries the spermatic cord and in women it can develop where the tissue that binds the uterus exits from the abdomen and joins with the tissue surrounding the vaginal opening.. (taken from: https:/ and

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Q: Do only boys get hernias
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Who develops femoral hernias more often?

Femoral hernias are a relatively uncommon type, accounting for only 3% of all hernias. While femoral hernias can occur in both males and females, almost all of them develop in women

Do hernias only occur in the male reproductive system?

There is a wide varieties of hernias that can occur on many places of the body, both in children, women, young and elderly men.

Can women have hernias?

Yes, women can have hernias. Have you ever heard of a himnia?

Is a direct hernia congenital or acquired?

Direct hernias are acquired, Indirect hernias are congenital.

Which hernia is also called a incisional hernia?

Incisional hernias are also ventral hernias.

What people show the greatest likelihood of needing inguinal hernia repair?

The majority of hernias occur in males. Nearly 25% of men and only 2% of women in the United States will develop inguinal hernias. Inguinal hernias occur nearly three times more often in African American adults than in Caucasians.

What is the prognosis for a patient with a hernia?

Abdominal hernias generally do not recur in children but can recur in up to 10% of adult patients. Surgery is considered the only cure, and the prognosis is excellent if the hernia is corrected before it becomes strangulated. Hiatal hernias are.

What are the steps to take to relieve hernias?

Some hernias are bad enough that they require surgery. Other ways to relieve hernias are acupuncture, yoga, and depending on what part of the body is herniated, eating smaller meals.

Who gets hernias?

Old ppl

Do boys and girls go to the same school together in Ireland?

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What medical procedure is used to treat a hernia, and how long does it take to recover from the aforementioned surgery?

Hernias are usually treated with physiotherapy techniques and surgery is only used as a last resort. The surgery for hernias is vental hernia surgery and can take 8 to 12 weeks to recover,

Do boys and girls have the same routine in Irish dancing?

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