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First of all, gay people do not "believe" that it's not a a choice. They know it for a fact.

And actually most people believe that sexual orientation is not a choice. Only a few die-hard bigots still hold onto this fallacy.

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Q: Do only gay people believe its not a choice to be gay?
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Did God create gay people?

This depends entirely on what you believe about God. Most people who believe in God, believe that God created everything. Since being gay is part of nature, and not a choice, then it follows if you believe God created everything, then you must believe God created gay people.

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it is really your choice some people believe that way but you may be bi or gay it is ultimatly ur choice

Is being gay really a choice?

No, being gay is not a choice. Most gay people claim that they have always felt like they were gay since childhood.

Do people care if people are gay?

Depends on the society, some people believe that being gay is a choice, and that gay people follow some demonic figure (ie. Satan). However, society is learning that it seems being gay feelings are not a choice, though gay sex itself is, and they're learning to deal with it. Some people do think it is strange and unusual, but they don't express their feelings because they either believe it isn't a choice or feel intimidated into silence by an aggressive, pro-gay lobby. All in all, it depends on the person, and how they were raised. Strong religious societies may frown upon homosexuality, while mainstream areas may be indifferent.

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yes. i believe so becaus ei don think no one is born i gay i believe people see other people do it and think its okay and dosent know any difference. many people will argue that in fact you are born gay but my personal beliefs is that it is a choice and it all depends on your enviorment and how you were raised.

Are there any sites for gay people?

You will find plenty of Gay chat and social websites by looking with your internet explorer and typing Gay in to search. Please be careful in your choice and only sign up to one after you have checked out if it is for you.

Can people be gay?

Yes. Most evidence indicates that some people are born gay. It's not always a choice, and there may be multiple causes depending on the individual. Some LGBT persons do claim some element of choice. But yes, people can be gay, and gayness exists.

How can you get gay people to stop following you?

Gay people only follow other gay people.

Who doesn't agree that gay people are born that way?

Generally speaking, only some older people and some conservative Christians feel that being gay is a choice. Also that majority of Muslim countries teach that it is a choice.The majority of people in western countries have now come to realize that sexual orientation is innate.

Is gay an option?

no it's a lifestyle. Answer Well, I'm not gay but I believe that being gay is not an option for most people who are gay. I believe they are born that way and nothing can change it no matter what.

Is it true that they are going to put all the gay people in a island?

No... you shouldn't believe whoever says that. From what I have found that is only a myth.

Is Michael crawford gay?

No, but some people believe he is