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I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. Other animals in comparison to what other organism? So I will interpret the question as, "What animals have a larynx?

All mammals have a larynx this includes humans and apes.

Vertebrates also have larynx such as a cat, however a cat is also a mammal

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Q: Do other animals have a larynx?
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What animals communicate without using there larynx?

There are quite a few animals that communicate without using there larynx. Otters for example communicate by hitting rocks together.

Do animals have voiceboxes?

Animals do have voice boxes. The larynx ( voice box) is different in animals and do not allow for talking as we know it.

How are sounds produced in the larynx?

Speech sounds are produced in the larynx. These occur because specialized structures in the larynx rub up on each other in different ways.

How are speech sounds produced in the larynx?

Speech sounds are produced in the larynx through the vibration of the vocal cords when air passes through them. The vibration creates sound waves that are then shaped into specific sounds by the movement of the articulators, such as the tongue, lips, and teeth. The pitch, volume, and quality of the sound are determined by the tension and length of the vocal cords.

What are the other names for larynx?

voice box

What part of the trachea allows animals to speak or make sound?

The voice-box, or larynx.

What is the other name for larynx?


How does cigar smoking affect the pharynx and larynx?

Smoking anything affects the larynx and pharynx, along with the lungs and nearly every other part of your body.

Is the larynx part of the larynx?

The larynx is part of the throat and part of the respiratory system.

What is the trapdoor of the larynx?

the trapdoor of the larynx is the epiglottis

Contains the vocal cord?


What is the other name for the human voice box?

The voice box is called a larynx.