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Air and water and everything else have side effects.... but I would not advise not breathing or drinking.

Tylenol (acetaminophen or paracetamol) can raise liver enzymes of taken in large doses (over 3000mg per day).

NSAIDs (aspirin, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, ibuprofen - many prescriptions) can cause stomach upset, ulcers, kidney problems, fluid retention and easy bruising and bleeding.

Narcotics (Morphine, Percocet, Vicodin others) can cause sedation, constipation, confusion and be habit forming in susceptible people.

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Q: Do pain killers have any side effects?
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Any sidev effects Chest congestion from cold and pain killers?

There may be some side effects of cold and pain killers taken for chest congestion. This may be liver damage or even death, in case of over dosage of pain killers.

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Muscle pain, memory loss, and fatigue are the most prevalent side effects of statin drugs. If you suspect you are experiencing any of these side effects, consult your physician as soon as possible.

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Yes. Answer There is no reason that taking amoxicillin would prevent you from taking any type of pain killers. However, you may have sensitivities to the pain killers that are independent of Antibiotic use. I would advise speaking to the doctor who prescribed you the pain killers if you are concerned.

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Painkillers are either addictive or can damage the liver over time. One a day isn't horrible, but if a pill a day is needed, then the condition causing the need for pain killers should be more thoroughly addressed.

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If you experience any of the following side effects, it is seriously recommended you visit your doctor immediately. These include seizures, fevers, skin rashes, upper stomach pain, chest pain, confusion or coughs.

You are about 4 months pregnant will it hurt the baby if you take pain killers?

Yes taking pain killers can hurt the baby any doctor will tell you that. You can only take pain medicine without acetimenophen.

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You can go into shock, or simply pass out if the pain is great enough.

What harmful effects does Orajel cause?

Oragel is benzocaine topical. Possible side effects are:headachehigh fevernauseavomitingworsening of pain, redness, swelling, or irritation in or around the mouthIf you experience any of the above side effects, see your doctor.

Does horsetail cause any bad side effects?

Not to be taken internally more than 3 days. Mild side effects: diarrhea, upset stomach, increased urination. Overdose: kidney pain, lower back pain, pain while urinating, vomiting, heart palpitations. And more . . .

Can you take pain killers for body pain?

Yes, you can take pain killers in body pain depending upon the condition of your body.If you are having a body pain from workout, then there is no need as the pain will go as soon as your muscles and tissues receovers.If there is any other reason for body pain and the pain is severe, then you can take pain killer but only after the advice of an expert.If you want to buy pain killers online, then you can visit 3Meds and get your medicines delivered at your doorstep.

Do certain medications cause face pain?

All medications have side effects. You should ask your doctor before using any new kinds of medication and be well informed on what the side effects might be.

What are the side effects of loperamide?

Possible side effects from loperamide include skin rash, constipation, drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, and swelling, pain, and discomfort in the abdomen.Other rare side effects may occur with any antidiarrheal medicine.