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Cockatiels and budgies can get along perfectly together if given enough space. You need to make sure their cage is big enough or else they may fight which is bad news for the budgie!

Cockatiels are very docile and sedate, Budgies are quite aggressive , and will terrorize Cockatiels, it has nothing to do with size, they should have separate cages, no parrot species should ever be mixed.

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12y ago
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13y ago

I have a budgie and a cockatiel but I am NOT going to try to put them together (my cockatiel can get vicious!) but all I know is that its alright if my budgie go on the cockatiels cage. He doesnt mind. If you are planning to introduce them together in a cage, try not putting them together right away. make sure they know each other!

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12y ago

it's controversial

some say cocktail strass lovebirds out whle others say if you put them in the same cage your cocktail will be dead in the morning.

i would try inrodicing them to each other slowly. each bird has a different personality, some may be tolerant while others might be dominat, you could experiment

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14y ago

If you are planning to breed the lovebirds than the answer is nooo!! lovebirds are known to be Extremely aggressive while breeding to the point of killing other birds. Budgies are defenceless against those love birds.

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14y ago

Sometimes but they usually end up arguing and fighting eventually.

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10y ago

yes!! VERY WELL indeed!! One of the best friends you can get for your tiel!!!

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Q: Do budgie and cockatiels get along?
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Birds of one species, if kept in captivity, may sometimes develop mate-type relationships with birds of a different species. Some birds will mount other birds and some birds will mount or rub against their human caretakers or inanimate objects. You don't have to worry about accidental hybrid babies. Cockatiels and budgerigars are not closely related enough for offspring to be produced. You might have to worry about what the budgie does to the cockatiel because budgies can be more pushy and aggressive, especially if the budgie perceives it as an attack. But there is an egg and we only have one Cockatiel? What's up with that?

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Mabey. mabey not.

If you have two budgie would you have to have two cages?

Not if they get along with each other.

Do a parakeet and a budgie get along well?

budgies and parakeets are the same things so yes

Is it normal for budgies and cockatiels to share the same nest box and be in there at the same time?

It is not a good idea. If you provide a larger nesting box for the cockatiel and a small one for the budgie, there should be no problem. If the budgie has already claimed the larger nesting box as her own, you will never train her to leave, and will need to buy another large box for the cockatiel.

Do cockatiels and Dogs get along?

My family has had cockatiels and dogs for as long as I can remember and they get along fine. Sometimes they even pick up each other's habits. For instance, our current cockatiel has no idea he can fly and follows the dog around by walking along the floor. Actually, I think this pair has formed a sort of alliance against the cat.

Why does your girl budgie attack your new boy budgie and not your old girl budgie?

The girl budgie would attack the new boy budgie and not the old girl budgie because she is used to the other girl budgie and is not familiar to the new boy budgie.

Do cockatiels have parasites?

Yes, cockatiels can get parasites.

Can you put a parakeet in the same cage as a parrot?

There is actually no species of bird called a "parakeet". Parakeet is the general term used to describe any of several small to medium sized parrots having long tails. This includes cockatiels, budgerigars and other smallish parrots. Cockatiels can live happily with budgies although, as a rule, they do not breed as well when there are budgies in with them (there are always exceptions). Cockatiels can get along with Bourke Parrots and other birds which are not particularly territorial.

Do blue budgies play more than green ones?

No. A color of a budgie has nothing to do with the way they play but if you had a boy and a girl budgie, the boy would be more easier to teach and more playful as the female budgie tends to bite a lot harder than the male budgie I have over 20 budgies and I got to say the male budgie gets along with each better than the female budgies who will fight for space Ihope this answers your Question.

What subclass do cockatiels belong to?

Cockatiels are a type of cockatoo.

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for some reason my budgie and my lovebird get along and seem to mate. i don't think budgies and love birds get along.