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Yes, yes, yes! Those $#%^ peacocks. I love them and I hate them. They're so beautiful and fun to have around... except when they decide to destroy my flowers. I think they just get bored and need something to do so they peck off the petals of my gerber daisies, and my geraiums, and tulips... basically anything that is as pretty as they are. They don't usually eat the flowers, just pick the blooms or even the buds. They also like to dig holes in the dirt and lay in them. So, this can be a problem in the garden. They haven't eaten any of my garden seeds... but they do, however, like to help themselves to my ripe tomatoes. What a pain in the butt. If you have a good answer as to how to keep them out of the flowers, please feel free to share. I'm not real fond of chicken wire around my beds either!

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Q: Do peacocks eat flowers and flower seed?
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NO! Peafowl are omnivorous and eat most plant parts, flower petals, seed heads, insects and other arthropods, reptiles, and amphibians. Eating a giraffe would be impossible for a bird of any sort.

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maybe_yes,_maybe_no">maybe yes, maybe noAny plant that sets seed must have a flower first, no matter how insignificant.

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put them in salad and eat your face off then you will die cause flowers are flowers not salad toppings

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Carnivores will not eat flowers or plants. Carnivores are organisms that only eat meat. For example, a hawk is a carnivore. Hawks eat mice. In conclusion, a hawk does not eat plants or flowers.

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Hummingbirds is one word. No, hummingbirds cannot eat bird seed. Hummingbirds mostly eat flower nectar but not only flower nectar. Most of their diet is nectar from flowers. Hummingbirds may visit 1,000 flowers per day in their search for nectar. Hummingbirds also eat ants and bugs and small insects like mosquitoes, aphids, gnats, caterpillars, small beetles, white flies and insect eggs.

What does the adult peacock eat for food?

Peacocks and peahens can eat bird seed like any other bird. My fiance has a farm where the birds are fed bird seed and bread bits. The diet seems to work fine for the peacocks and peahens.

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