

Do people get peer pressured into drinking.?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Yes, it does happen. If you feel pressured into doing something you do not want to do, talk to someone who can help you in saying 'no'.

It is ok to say no. It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in. You would be surprised in how much strength you really do have.

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Q: Do people get peer pressured into drinking.?
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Why do they call it peer pressure peer pressure?

Peer pressure is when you are pressured by peers (people your age group) to do something good or bad, but people usually think of bad peer pressure when brought up (e.g. being pressured to take drugs).

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All people have peer pressure throughout their lives. It often starts in school; college; in the workplace and when there groups of people.

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nearly 80

What should you do if you get peer pressured?

Try your hardest to fight it. And stay away from the person who is giving you the peer pressure.

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strength, individuality, and resolve. Though peer pressure isn't always a bad thing, some people have been pressured into doing the right thing!

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Live above the influence. But if you want it, go for it.

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Peer pressure can play a part with herpes if you are being pressured to have sex. Even with protection and contreseptives (birth control) there is still a risk to have it be given to your partner. Talk to your doctor and see what he/she advises you. But Peer Pressure cannot affect you if you show people your boundaries.

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A child or adult may be peer pressured to look skinnier and more like the celebrities. Therefore they may refuse to eat certain types of food or not eat food. This may also lead on to food disorders. As well as that a child or adult may be peer pressured to be a vegetarian or vegan. If a child doesn't go to McDonalds or a fast food restaurant like that they may get pressured to if they are with a group of friends who want to go.

What is significance of the study of peer pressure?

There is great significance in the study of peer pressure. This study examines the change in thought among individuals being pressured that would not normally occur.