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Yes, and because people just like to hear themselves say "I've hunted lions".

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Q: Do people hunt lions for their fur?
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Are sea lions mostly covered in skin or fur?

They have a fur. Many years ago people would hunt them for the fur because it is warm and repels water.

Do humans hunt lions?

do humans hunt lion?yes but there days it for fun or there fur not many people hunt them for there meat because why do that when you can get cow,chicken,fish,pork est at the shops without the danger of getting killed and its way easyierYes it is but it is illegal to hunt lions.

What is the white fur under a lions eye for?

The white fur is due to the fact that Lions hunt in the night; the white fur reflects the little light available in to their eyes, so they can see better.

Where do lions hunt for food?

Lions hunt in their prides, or groups. They stalk their prey while low to the ground. They like to hunt at night because the animals have a harder time seeing them, but lions actually see better at night. Lions hunt usually in their territory, where zebras and wildbeasts stay. The females hunt, while the males protect their territory. When lions hunt, the stay in the plains, practicly invisible, because of their camoflouged fur.

Why do lions hunt people?

They'll hunt almost anything moving, therefore people.

Do people hunt dholes for their fur?

Yes people do and they also hunt them for their meat and teeth.

Do lions hunt monkeys?

They hunt mainly chickens but yes some people

How do people hunt lions?

they huntted lions by hidding in a tree or a bushe then trow the arrow

Can lions be a prey?

Yes, when people hunt them, they are the prey.

What colour of fur do lions have?

lions have yellow brownish fur

Why people hunt giant pandas?

For their valuable fur.

Why are lions dying out?

im guessing because people hunt them?