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No. At least, it's not common there.

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Q: Do people in the middle east eat horse meat?
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Do Germans eat horse meat?

i am German and no normally we don't eat horse meat. in special shops you can get horse meat but most people hate the ones eating horse meat. its also very less and expensive.

What is the general diet of the people in Kazakhstan?

Horse meat, mutton meat

What meat did they eat in 1066?

in 1066 people ate horse meat that sounds nasty

What type of meat did people in the middle ages eat?

Beef, deer, hare, rabbit, fowl, door mice, lamb, goat, various birds, eel, fish, horse.

Middle eastern meat pies?

Meat pies that are made in the Middle East are known as Lebanese meat pies or sfeehas or fatayers. They are made with bread dough, beef or lamb, pine nuts, cinnamon, ghee, allspice, and onion.

What foods do people get from horses?

Ummm. I don't know, HORSE MEAT!

Where did American meat exports go to in the 1990s?

Meat exports in the 1990s have been strongest to Japan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Canada, and the Middle East

What is the main component of majboos?

A spiced rice and meat dish from Middle East, is the main component of majboos.

Did the North eat horse meat in the US Civil War?

There is no evidence that people in the North ate horse meat during the US Civil War. In Vicksburg, Mississippi, however, the city was laid to siege by Union forces. There was little food left in the city and horse meat was eaten to keep the people alive.

What part of the horse was corn beef originally from before it was illegal to eat horse meat?

It is not illegal to eat horse meat. It is illegal to sell horse meat.

Why did people kill the mustang horse?

People used their meat for cat & dog food. It was sad :(

What does it mean if a butchers has a horse's head outside?

It means that the butcher is selling horse meat and prepared meat products made of horse meat