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Reb Menahem Mendel of Kotsk, for 20 years, communicated thru a door, with those hassidim who remained loyal to him........

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Q: Do people with Asperger's Syndrome make good rabbis?
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What are people with Asperger's Syndrome good at doing?

It depends on their skills and abilities. People with Aspergers are not limited in many things.

Do good looking people have aspergers?

They can

How do you become an expert on aspergers?

The best way to become an expert on the syndrome would be to read and research as much as you can about the topic. It would also benefit you to try and find people with AS and get their point of view as well. Also, talking to pychologists and pyschiatrists are good ways to get info on aspergers.

How do you cure Asperger's Syndrome?

You cannot cure Asperger's Syndrome. It is a neurological condition that affects how the brain works, so rather than curing it, people with Asperger's Syndrome can learn or be taught some methods to deal with some of its effects. They can also be given medications that can treat some of the symptoms, but not the cause. There is no cure for Aspergers Syndrome. There are a number of ways that a person with Aspergers can be helped to live a good quality, independent life which is sometimes made difficult by the condition.

How come people don't want to be friends with people who have aspergers?

People with aspergers dont have many friends because they are shy but some people will play with aspies and make friends with them. I have aspergers but have a good amount of friends. People with aspergers are aslo morelikely to be bullied so they might get a reputation as being weak

Can you take a test online for Asperger's Syndrome?

yes there are many tests for aspergers . there is one problem . getting a good score in a test does not mean you have aspergers . if you want to make sure that you have aspergers and you get a high score i suggest you sign up for a diagnosis . if you dont get a high aspie score its not likely you have aspergers and you shouldn't bother much . what a test says is not always true You could take an online test to give yourself an idea whether you could have Asperger syndrome, but to know for sure you would need to see a properly qualified professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, for a thorough assessment.

How do families cope with children who suffer from Asperger's Syndrome?

Familys do not have to go through it alone, there is help and support available for people living with children, or anyone with Aspergers. There are youth clubs that offer free services and will take good care of the child for a start.

When a narcissist marries an aspergers disorder?

Not good!

What characteristics of Aspergers prevented John from having a good time in the tropical paradise?

He could not look people in the eye.

What makes people with Aspergers feel safe?

Having a good friend who understands and accepts them. I was lucky to find that friend.

How do you make friends when you have Aspergers Syndrome?

While it can be more challenging to make friends when you have Aspergers Syndrome, I believe there is still good reason to have hope. Society as a whole is becoming increasingly aware of Aspergers and Autism and more accepting of people who are on the Autism Spectrum. Take for example, the TV show, The Big Bang Theory. While it is never actually stated, I highly suspect that Sheldon's character is based on an individual who has Aspergers, and he is certainly an endearing fellow who has a close-knit group of friends whom he can count on. There are plenty of examples in real life as well of people who have Aspergers Syndrome who are living full, productive lives, have jobs, friends and many other accomplishments to their credit. Don't put too much pressure on yourself , striving for the hundreds or even thousands of so-called "friends" that a lot of young people have on their social media pages. Many would question how real any of these friendships really are. Start with one person and go from there. When approaching a person in your efforts to begin a friendship, I have read about many success stories that involve individuals with Autism taking a very forthright approach, telling people from the start about their condition. Explain to people whom you are interested in getting to know better that you have Aspergers and tell them what it's all about. Explain that it is sometimes difficult for you to read body language. Ask them if they'd mind giving you tips and advice from time to time in conversation to help you work on these skills. If sometime is not receptive to this, chances are that you don't really want him or her as a friend anyways! As the parent of an individual who has Autism, I know that I cannot truly understand and appreciate the challenges that you face as a person with Aspergers, but hope that of my suggestions can be of some help to you.

Is it good to have down syndrome?

it is better to have up syndrome People with Down Syndrome have the ability to live normal and happy lives, however, I would not go so far as to say that it is good to have Down Syndrome. It is a genetic abnormality and given the choice, it would be better not to have it.