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The periwinkle plant contains substances that are effective against leukemia. In fact, Vinblastine and vincristine are alkaloids found in perwinkle that are approved by the FDA and are used to make chemotherapy drugs.

To read more about medical aspets of periwinkle plants, visit the Related Link.

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Q: Do periwinkle flowers cure leukemia
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Related questions

Where can one pick periwinkle flowers?

One can pick periwinkle flowers anywhere they are grown and are allowed to pick them. Many gardeners grow periwinkle flowers and you can also find them in the wild.

How do periwinkle flowers spread?

By explosion

Does periwinkle produce flowers?


What does a periwinkle do?

it can cure some kinds of cancer

Did most of the people die or did they cure from leukemia of World War 2?

No cure for leukemia

What layer of the rainforest are rosy periwinkle flowers in?


Where are periwinkle flowers found?

Periwinkle is native to North America, Europe, China and India. It is a semi woody evergreen perennial, and is known by three names: Vinca, Periwinkle (or Madagascar periwinkle), and Myrtle.

What are facts about rosy periwinkle?

it can cure some kinds of cancer

Is periwinkle a male or female flower?

Flowers can be either male, female or both. I'm not sure if the periwinkle is any specific 'gender'. I'd say the either or both applies for all flowers.

Is tea made from white periwinkle leaves good for one's memory?

Periwinkle, Vinca major - AKA greater periwinkle was once used topically for inflammatory skin conditions. It is related to a plant known as rose periwinkle, which is used in the treatment of leukemia, but it should not be used in home remedies. I have heard of the use of White periwinkle, but do not currently have herbal facts on it.

Is chronic myelomonocytic leukemia cure able?

Yes, there is a red wood which can cure chronic leukemia in just three days, there after no drug is needed. This herb has been tested on manly leukemia patient.

Is there a cure for likiemia?

There is not a cure for leukemia but scientists are still working on finding a cure for this type of cancer.