

Do plants survive under a artificial light?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Yes they can survive. Relacant frequencies should be supplied

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Q: Do plants survive under a artificial light?
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Do plants grow under artificial light?


How do you determine which of the three vegetables grow best under artificial light by using the scientific method?

By putting the plants under the light and seeing which one does better.

Do plants grow better in artificial light or under sunlight?

It depends what you mean by better. They will grow more naturally in sunlight but can be forced artificially with lights and may produce more and be grown out of season. I would say natural is better but then we have a world to feed.

Can plants use light as sun?

Sure. In fact, if you place a plant under an artificial light source, it will lean toward the light source as if it were the sun.

What will happen to a plant under artificial light?

It will still grow as artificial light is still light.

Which type of wild flower grows best under artificial light?

Orchids because they react well under artificial light.

Why life on earth requires a continuous suply of energy from the sun?

It is not necessary that our life forms on planet earth require energy only from sun. Plants can photosynthesize and survive under artificial light. The only thing is we don't have an alternative source of energy.

Will bean plants grow better under sunlight or artificial light?

Chives can be grown indoors by a sunny window or outdoors in zones three through ten. Chives can grow in sunny areas or areas with a little bit of shade.

Would plants still be green if there was no sun?

If there were no Sun, and no other source of radiant energy, the plants (and the entire planet) would quickly freeze. And since the color of an object is determined by the color of the light that is reflected by the object, with no light there would be no color, and everything would be black. If we grow plants under artificial light on a space station, then the light on the space station (even if artificial) would be the same kinds of light that we humans prefer, so the plants on the space station would continue to be green.

How does artificial light effect plants?

Plants use light to do photosynthesis, which takes carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce sugar. If we keep a plant without sunlight will it grow or die? in my thoughts plants will not grow. so, light is necessary for growth of the plants. without light plants cant survive. They use a certain gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) for food which is also what we release as waste from cellular respiration. Plants release oxygen as waste in return.

Why do plants grown in artificial light rot?

Many plant types are grown under artificial light and they do not rot. If the light intensity is too poor the plant will become spindly and probably die (due to lack of light rather than rot). If the plant is rotting, the problem is probably to do with drainage or over watering.

How can plants survive under water?

Certain plants (such as underwater ones) can survive being flooded in water. Plants can survive underwater because the sun's rays can penetrate water.