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Yes. It is contained in the spent fuel rods, which when they have been used too much to be useful anymore are removed from the reactor and stored in a large pool of water to keep them cool until most of the radioactivity has decayed (the energy released in radioactive decay could heat them hot enough to melt if they were not cooled). They were then supposed to be removed from the temporary storage pool and shipped to a long term storage facility or a reprocessing plant, but the US has built neither so the spent fuel rods remain in the temporary storage pools.

Also coal fired plants produce and release coal waste, which includes radioactive uranium oxides in the smoke (nuclear power plants do not release their wastes).

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9y ago
  • nuclear, produce radioactive waste but keep it contained in the core as long as the plant operates properly
  • coal fired, do not produce radioactive waste but emit both ash and smoke which contain radioactive uranium that was naturally present in the coal
  • other types, neither produce nor emit anything radioactive
  • ___________________________________________________________
  • Coal fired power plants release radioactive materials 100 times that of nuclear power plants of the same rated power.
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Q: Does nuclear power produce radioactive waste?
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What waste products come from power stations?

Radioactive waste is a waste product containing radioactive material. It is usually the product of a nuclear process such as nuclear fission, though industries not directly connected to the nuclear power industry may also produce radioactive waste.

Does nuclear energy produce a lot of waste?

Yes; the average nuclear power plant yields about 3 tons of radioactive waste each year.

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No. The products of nuclear fusion are not radioactive.

Why is waste from nuclear power stations a problem?

The waste is radioactive and therefore ionising. It can cause cancer and "radioactive poisoning"

What kind of plant has radioactive waste?

A nuclear power plant

What is a major negative impact of the use of nuclear power?

Radioactive waste

Which nuclear process occurs within nuclear power plants and produces radioactive waste materials?

Nuclear Fission

What is one of the main concerns with nuclear power?

The amount of radioactive waste it produces. And the problem of disposing of that waste.

What is the purpose for nuclear waste?

Nuclear waste is an unfortunate by-product of the process of nuclear fission for the purpose of energy production. The spent fuel rods are "safely" stored and sequestered, but will remain dangerous for thousands of years. As far as I know, there is no "purpose" for nuclear waste, other than to convince people that they do not want a power plant in their backyard. The theoretically possible process of nuclear fusion (which is how the sun works) would produce less radioactive material and waste.

What do nuclear power stations produce very little of that are dangerous?

Nuclear waste.

Is the radioactive waste from nuclear power plants dangerous?

It contains a higher amount of radioactivity

What problems are there in nuclear power?

It produces radioactive waste that lasts for a VERY long time.