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yes, cook county probation officers arrest offenders, and are peace officers. we carry glocks.

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Q: Do probation officers in Chicago Illinois carry weapons?
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Can a police officer from Illinois bring his weapon into Chicago when off duty?

Yes, as of 2013, off-duty police officers in Illinois are allowed to carry concealed weapons, but they must have a valid concealed carry license issued by the state. Thus, a police officer from Illinois can bring his weapon into Chicago when off duty if he has a valid concealed carry license.

Can you hunt in NH if you are on probation in PA for a misdeamor?

no you cant leave the state while on probation unless you get permission from your probation officer or you will go to jail and most probation officers will tell you that you can't have any weapons while on probation

Is it okay for police officers and military soldiers to hold weapons?

Yes. They hold weapons to protect us from bad guys. It is okay for police officers and military soldiers to hold weapons.

Can you hunt while on probation?

It may depend on what the terms of your probation are. If you are prohibited from possessing weapons, or from travelling out of county or out of state, probably not.

Can you carry a weapon with a concealed weapons permit while on probation for a DUI?

Probably, unless the provisions of your probation or the laws regarding CCW in your state forbid it.

Can you still use archery equipment while on felony probation?

That depends on state law, doesn't it? In Georgia it's not a "crime" for a person on probation to have archery equipment, but it MIGHT BE a violation of the terms and conditions of their probation. Just like an adult over 21 drinking beer or hanging around a bar-- it's not illegal, but it probably is a violation of probation that can get the person in trouble with the probation officer and the judge that imposed the probation as part of the sentence. If you're on probation and a term of your probation is "no weapons" then I'd say to stay away from bows and arrows too. They are probably considered weapons even if you only intend to use them for the sport of target practice.

Is Illinois a conceal to carry state?

You cannot carry a concealed gun in Illinois, but you can carry some types of weapons, such as pocket knives, and long as they are otherwise legal. Illinois does not have a concealed weapons permit.

What is a sentence for weapons?

Illegal drugs and weapons are often found together. "Put down your weapons!" the police ordered.

Did correctional officers who worked with inmates carry weapons on Alcatraz?

No, they only carried whistles.

Can an ex-felon use a gun for hunting in South Carolina?

No. It is against both State AND Federal law for a convicted felon to ever own or possess firearms (including black powder muzzle-loaders) or ammunition.

Is resisting arrest a felony in Illinois even though no weapons were used?


What is the fine for a felony weapons charge in Chicago?

There is no monetary fine (like for a traffic ticket) for a weapons charge, you will get a jail sentence.