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Internal environment of prokaryotes is very simple and does not have any typr of cytoskeleton.
The organelles are poorly developed and DNA does not exist insides the nucleus.
Prokaryotes possesses a circular DNA surrounded by few poorly developed cytoplasmic organelles.

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Q: Do prokaryotic cells have a simple cytoskeleton?
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What is a correct distinction between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells attributable to the absence of a prokaryotic cytoskeleton?

Cytoplasmic streaming is not observed in prokaryotes

Do prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have a cytoskeleton?

The answer is eukaryotic, prokaryotes have a much less complex cell structure.

What is cytoskelton?

A cytoskeleton is the structure or skeleton of a cell. A cytoskeleton is found within a cell's cytoplasm, and is present in all cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic.

What two structures surround cells?

The two structures that surround the prokaryotic cell are the cell membrane or plasma membrane and the cytoskeleton. All prokaryotic cells contain these.

What is the meaing of cytosleleton?

The cytoskeleton is in the cell and is used to keep the cells shape, and to help and protect the cell. In resent research, it is found there is not only a eukaryotic cytoskeleton but also a prokaryotic cytoskeleton.

Is cytoskeleton prokaryotic or eukaryotic?


What are the 4 components that all prokaryotic cells have?

External structures of a prokaryotic cell include glycocalyces, flagella, fimbriae, and pili. Most prokaryotic cells have a cell wall. Prokaryotic cells have a cytoplasmic membrane, cytosol, and inclusions. The nonmembranous organelles found in a prokaryotic cell are ribosomes and the cytoskeleton.

What kinds of cell does not have a nucleus?

There are two main types of cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Prokaryotic cells do not contain a nucleus, these feature cells such as bacteria,archaea, and protists. To be more specific, prokaryotic cells do not have a membrane around their genetic material.

What do eurkaryotic cells have that prokaryotic cells do not?

Eukaryotic cells have a nuclear membrane and many organelles, whereas prokaryotic cells do not. This is why prokaryotic cells are often referred to as 'simple cells.'

Were the first cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

The differnece between this two are as followings- Eukaryotic cells are cells that contain a nucleus. Like you and me. Prokaryotic cells are cells that dont have a nucleus. Like bacteria ( But do contain genetic materials and chromosomes) Hope this helps!

Where is a cell's cytoskeleton?

In Both at prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell at cytoplasm