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Ok, yes and no!

What you need to do is, take "Dextrose" buy it from a chemist or otehr store, and then take protein shake

The Dextrose will allow your muscles to absorb protein.

It's easy!

So make sure you take: Dextrose , you can use lucozade then protein also, but Dextrose is what 99% successfull body builders and sportsman use!

Take care


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14y ago

The intake of protein alone will not make you bigger. Protein is like food for muscles and you have to make the muscles hungry by exercising to feed them. The body can only process so much protein at a time too so excessive protein is not good for you.

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12y ago

onesource optimal nutrition or Gatorade recovery. just stay away from muscle milk.

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Q: Can protein shakes make your muscles larger?
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Is protein a weight gainer?

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No, if anything it will make them bigger! When you work out in the gym you are actually tearing your muscles, this is how we build our muscles. When you are sore that means you tore your muscle fiber! Then your body repairs it's muscles while actually multiplying them. Most people drink protein shakes after working out because protein is the key muscle foundation.

Is it possible to make your own protein shakes?

Protein shakes vary widely in composition. Most contain fruit of some sort, juice, yogurt, and protein powder. Recipes can be found in any fitness magazine or on the internet.

Can protein shakes make you fat?

Yes, protein shakes can make you fat, as too much protein consumption can lead to a surplus in the body. This disrupts the balance in the "fuel mix" and you are less likely to use fat as a fuel because of excess protein. You can grow fat by eating too much protein because excess protein can lead to fat storage. If you are taking protein shakes you must account for the increased protein and decrease other dietary protein intake to avoid making fat.

Why are proteins important to the body's muscles?

Bacically your protein muscles are contract with the glumise muscles they make you have lots of protein so listen to

Do the protein shakes at golds gym work?

It depends on what your goals are and what shake you are taking. Protein Supplements are a necessity for any bodybuilder post work out. Protein shakes alone won't give you muscle if you aren't training hard enough. Personally I make my own shakes that are good and much cheaper, but there shakes are very good as well. So if you eat right, and train hard...then yes there shakes work.

What are some highly rated protein shakes?

Some of the best rated protein shakes are Optimum Gold Standard, Complete Nutrition, BSN, and Dymatize. However, I still believe that we can make the best protein shake at home with fresh ingredients.

Do protein shakes actually work?

Work for what? Muscle gain? Fat loss? Then, yes. Protein shakes can be very beneficial for both muscle gain and fat loss. When taken post workout, protein shakes help refuel the body, giving the muscles the nutrients they need to repair and grow. More lean muscle mass also helps to burn more calories throughout the day, which can result in fat loss. There are many places to buy whey protein, but whatever the source, make sure you are buying a pure whey protein powder, with no artificial additives. is one such place that offers this kind of protein.

How do you make your back muscles stonger?

To make you're back muscles stronger you need to do : * wide arm press ups * Rowing machine * dumb bell raises from your sides upwards keeping your arms locked * to help take protein shakes * a healthy balanced diet too glad to help jordan

Does extra protein make your muscles stronger?


Do protein shakes make women fat?

no. but if you get over obsessive with them and drink lots of them a day, then yes