

Do rabbits play dead

Updated: 10/22/2022
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12y ago

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No, rabbits don't play dead.

Some people train their rabbits to perform tricks like hopping over jumps or dropping balls into baskets, so it's theoretically possible that you could train your rabbit to play dead, but that would be unusual. Playing dead is not a natural behaviour in rabbits: when faced with predations, rabbits generally know their only chance is to run for it.

One person wrote: Yes they can. My dog got in my rabbits play pen and she was all over it. When I yelled at her she looked up and I saw my rabbit and thought it was dead! But when I picked it up she was breathing and alive and as alert as ever.

Another wrote, in response: What you're describing is not playing dead, it's going into shock. Luckily, your rabbit pulled through, but stress and shock can lead to illness in rabbits: always try to minimize it in your rabbit's life.

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"The "dead bunny" position can be quite frightening. Some rabbits, when sleeping, become so relaxed that they look dead. Before you get to scared, check to see whether or not your rabbit is breathing. Most likely, he/she will be. " Rabbits often relax themselves to a state they look like they are asleep, but sometimes, they also "play dead", usually but flattening their whole bodies and lying as still as possible, usually to avoid predators.

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I would bury them in the garden and give them a funeral.