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I have researched the same question and I read that painted turtles can only procreate with other painted turtles. Red eared sliders and painted will try to have sex but cannot reproduce

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Yes they get along but it depends on if you are nice to your turtle

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Q: Can red eared sliders mate with painted turtles?
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No, different types of turtles can only mate with each other if they are both part of the same sub species. for instance yellow belly sliders and red eared sliders can mate. but a painted turtle and box turtle would not mate.

Do red eared sliders mate in captivity?


Who do red eared sliders mate?

A Red Eared Slider can only "procreate" (have young) with another Red Eared Slider but they have been known to "mate" (have sex) with Yellow Belly Sliders. They probably wouldn't try to mate with any other kind of turtle, other than a Slider.

Can a painted turtle breed with a red eared slider turtle?

A Painted Turtle can only "procreate" (have young) with another Painted Turtle but they have been known to "mate" (have sex) with Red Eared Sliders and Yellow Belly Sliders. They probably wouldn't try to mate with any other kind of turtle, other than a similar species of water turtle like maybe a Map Turtle. For instance, a painted Turtle probably would not try to mate with a Soft Shell Turtle or a Snapping Turtle (or any land turtle like a Box Turtle) because they would not recognize it as a possible mate. When a Painted Turtle tries to mate with a Slider, it is because its instincts are telling it that based on size, shape, and mating displays and behaviors, etc., it is another Painted Turtle. Interestingly, Red Eared Sliders and Yellow Bellied Sliders rages currently overlap and where they do there is a lot of unsuccessful mating going on between the two species but they cannot procreate. That is part of the "definition" of a separate species.

What season do red eared sliders mate?

Red eared slider mating generally occurs in the months of March and June.

How old do red eared turtles have to be to mate?

5 months-6 months.

My male red eared slider wants to mate with the female but she wont let him Why wont my red eared sliders mate?

Simply because she isn't in season ! She'll reject him until she's sexually receptive.

What month do red eared sliders lay there eggs?

You're the guy that asked god knows how many questions about red eared sliders aren't you? Sorry. Anyway no one can tell you what month exactly. Just know they lay their eggs in spring. Geckomaster P.S. To get all this info your looking for just find a good website on google or something.

Are red-eared slider turtles asexual?

turtles mate just as much as others. yours may not LOVE eachother Turtles reproduce sexually and lay eggs as well. Turtles mate for up to fifteen minutes underwater.

Can red eared sliders live with yellow belly turtles?

Yes, red eared sliders and yellow bellied sliders are both subspecies of "pond slider", in the wild where their range overlaps they mate quite often producing what are called "intergrades". The particular intergrade between a yellow bellied slider and a red eared slider often has features of both, large yellow markings on the head with a red corner.

Can a red eared slider mate at a young age?

Yes they can recently I caught my two new sliders mating in their tank and they were at the ready age.

How old do red eared sliders and yellow belly sliders have to be to mate?

Females have to be about 5-7 years old, 7 in. long. Males 2-5 years, old 4 inches long.