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Reptiles and amphibians have a rather similar heart if not the same, they both have 2 atria and one ventricle combining to three chambers in their hearts.

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Q: Do reptiles have a more complex heart that amphibians?
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Do reptiles have a more complex heart than amphibians?


Are dinosaurs more closely related to amphibians than reptiles?

No, dinosaurs are more closely related to reptiles than amphibians. Both dinosaurs and reptiles belong to the group called diapsids, which are characterized by having two openings in the skull behind the eye socket. Amphibians, on the other hand, belong to a different group called tetrapods.

Is there any poisonous amphibians or reptiles in California?

Yes! there's more venomous Amphibians than Reptiles.

Why corcodile is not an amphibian?

Crocodiles are a group of reptiles and they do not belong to the amphibians. Reptiles are a more recent groep of animals compared to the amphibians.

Which living thing has more chambers in heart?

monkey fish=2 amphibians = 3 reptiles=3.5 birds and mammals=4

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Were dinosaurs mammals or amphibians?

Neither...They were reptiles. dinosaurs were nether amphibians or mammals they were all reptiles, though they are more closely related to birds.

Why do humans and birds have a more advanced type of heart than fish amphibians and reptiles?

fish,amphibians, and reptiles are water creatures, so when they beathe water cleans their air supply, which makes their imune system weak air beathers are used to pollution which means they have a stronger immune system.

Reptiles are much more extensively adapted to life on land than amphibians in that reptiles?

lay shelled eggs

Why can reptiles carry more body mass than amphibians?

because their limbs and bones are stronger than those of amphibians

Why are crocodiles reptiles and not amphibians?

I suppose they are part of the lizard family... to put it more specific I would say they are amphibious reptiles.

Are dinosaurs closer to amphibians than to reptiles?

They are generally considered reptiles, though some think they should have their own class.