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Yes, reptiles have most of the same organs as you and I, and are vertebrates, they are not like worms.

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no they do not

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Q: Do reptiles have backbones made of cartilage?
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Do fish have backbones made out of cartilage?

Yes they do. Cartilage is also found in your nose and ears!

Do sharks have backbones?

No! They are made of cartilage.

Do reptiles have a back bone made of cartilage?

No. Reptiles are vertebrates, and therefore have a spinal column made of bone.

Do snakes have cartilage in their backbones?

No. Snakes are relatively recently evolved compared with other types of vertebrates and are the newest branch of reptiles. The first animals with backbones we fish, which were followed by amphibians and reptiles. Dinosaurs, mammals, birds, turtles, crocodiles, and lizards all had backbones and appeared before the first snakes slithered across the ground.

Are reptiles have backbones or not?

Yes they do

How many backbones does a great white shark have?

sharks dont have bones... their skeleton is made of cartilage

Do birds have backbones made of cartilage?

yes and the wiki answers are a lay don't believe in thi

Do reptiles have backbones?

reptiles do have backbones, everything excluding invertebrates have back bones.

Do great white sharks have backbones?

Sharks are vertebrates (they belong to the phylum Cordata), so they have a spinal chord. However they are also cartilaginous fishes (they belong the the class Chondrichthyes) meaning that their skeleton is made of cartilage instead of bone. They do have a cartilage sheath that surrounds their spinal chord which could be considered a spine. There could be a semantic debate over whether that constitutes a spine, but I for one think it does.

How are amphibians and reptiles alike?

They have backbones

Do marine reptiles have backbones?

Yes marine reptiles are vertebrates and have a backbone.

Do barracudas have backbones?

Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone and an internal bony skeleton and include fish such as barracudas.