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There are many types of doctors in a variety of fields. In order to write prescriptions, an individual must be a licensed physician (MD or DO).

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Q: Do research doctors write prescriptions for pain?
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Do pain management physicians practice general medicine or do they just write prescriptions for pain medication?

Most doctors practicing pain management do that as there practice. But there are also doctors out there that practice in other areas but also handle pain management.

Can dentists write prescriptions?

Dentists write prescriptions for pain medication and antibiotics. They would not write prescriptions for depression medication. They write prescriptions that deal with dental issues.

Can a licensed professional counselor write prescriptions?

yes when your in enough pain!

How do doctors findout if your going to other doctors for pain pills if your only paying cash to both doctors and not using insurance?

In the US, they don't. It's pharmacies that keep track of, and report, narcotics transactions. Other prescriptions, not so much. Your local rules may vary.

Are there prescriptions available for diabetes foot pain?

There are many prescriptions available for diabetes foot pain. Check with your physician to find the best one that for you. Make an appointment today to take care of that foot pain.

What kind of prescriptions can an orthopedist prescribe?

Yes, orthopedic surgeons are legally empowered to write prescriptions. Their office policies may dictate what kinds of prescriptions they write (for instance, they may refer to you your primary care provider or pain management specialist for certain kinds of treatment).

How does diabetes cause foot pain?

I am not completely sure how diabetes can cause foot pain. I have done some research and found videos and guides that might help you about it all also go to the doctors.

Who writes prescriptions for Trans dermal pain cream?

There are many different prescription pain creams available to treat different symptoms of pain. Consult your physician.

Why are doctors afraid to write pain medications?

There is always a chance that they will be misused, sold or used for the wrong reason. They are held responsible for how the drugs are used.

Why can't chiropractors prescribe drugs?

I am thinking no.mine couldnt write anything for muscle spasms or pain..i hope this helps

Can a MD write a level 5 pain prescription?

An MD (Medical Doctor) can write prescriptions for any drug that's been approved by the FDA. The only medications/drugs a MD cannot write out are drugs deemed illegal as a "controlled substance." This would be like, Cocaine, Meth, etc.

What kind of pain pills contain THC?

None. That is an organic compound- all prescriptions are inorganic.