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Some species of sharks are able to live in fresh water, including the Bull Shark that lives in tropical waters and the River Shark, found in Australia and Asia

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Q: Do sharks only swim in salty oceans?
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What continent do sharks swim in?

sharks don't swim on land Do you mean oceans?

Why is a sharks habitat a barren wastland?

Sharks swim all over the world, mostly in oceans, but, the bull shark can swim in rivers. Most of the oceans, beyond the Continental shelf, are deep barren wastelands. Since most sharks live in the oceans, most of their habitat will be barren, but, not all of it. They can be found in salt waters that are teaming with life.

Do they only swim in the water?

yes sharks swim in the water

Do bull sharks live in other bodys of water than oceans?

Yes, they can swim into freshwater rivers.

Do crocodiles come when you chum the water for sharks?

no because sharks live in the far deep area of the oceans and such, but crocodiles cant swim very well.

Can baby bull sharks swim?

All sharks can swim regardless of age. Once a shark is born, it must swim in order to breathe. Interesting fact, sharks only sleep for a few minutes at a time because they have to wake up and swim around to breathe again.

Does a hammer shark swim in lakes sometimes?

It is possible to swim through from an ocean to a river then to a lake but generally, No. Bull Sharks are the only sharks that are found in lakes.

Do frogs swim in oceans?

frogs survive only in fresh water so no

Do sharks swim in schools or a pod?

Sharks are fish. Fish swim in 'schools'. Whales and dolphins are mammals. These swim in 'pods'.

Where do hippos swim?

they swim in lakes or ponds but they do not swim in oceans

Which the sims 2 expansion pack has oceans you can swim in?

No I am pretty sure that you can't swim in the oceans.

Why don't sharks swim into coral reef areas?

some sharks do swim into coral areas but big sharks can get scratched by the coral