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Q: Do sidenck turtles eat lettuce and tomatoes?
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Related questions

Do small turtles eat boiled or plain lettuce?

Small turtles can eat both boiled and plain lettuce. Boiling lettuce makes the lettuce softer, therefore making it easier for smaller turtles to eat.

Do box turtles eat tomatoes?

Box turtles love tomatoes.

Could turtles eat lettuce?

Yes :)

What a turtle eats for food?

You could feed a turtle a variety of vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes, also some turtles eat things such as worms and other insects.

What do pet tortorises eat?

Tomatoes Lettuce Cucumber veggies......yumm

What eats lighting bugs?

lighting bugs eat lettuce and tomatoes

Can box turtles eat tomatos?

Yes, box turtles can eat tomatoes, but it should not replace it's daily diet.

What do painted turtles eat in Wisconsin?

Painted turtles eat fish, worms, insects, water lettuce, water hyacinth, and duckweed.

What do red eared slider turtles eat?

They eat pellets (thats the best), vegetables (lettuce,cucumber etc.) and fruits.

What animals eat lettuce?

turtles eat lettuce and its the most favorit food for ot

What American food do turtles eat?

Cabbage, bananas, lettuce, all greenery:) pretty much. etc

What type of luttuce does box turtles eat?

they don't eat iceberg lettuce, try field greens