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They can sell on internet auction sites for from US$.99 to US$20, depending on the rarity/desirability of the subject matter. SIFO manufactured puzzles between 1945-1975.

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Q: Do sifo wooden puzzles have any worth?
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What is a 3D puzzle?

3D mean three-dimensional, 3D puzzles are most often jig-saw puzzles you have to put together in a form of a ball, a building or something else. 3D puzzle can be also some kind of wooden (or basicly of any material) puzzle, like puzzle rings etc.

What are some puzzles?

soduku, crossworsds, puzzles, almost any board game really.

Are wooden coat hangers worth anything?

Wooden coat hangers can be worth something depending on their age, rarity, condition, and any notable features or markings. Vintage or antique wooden coat hangers from well-known brands or designers can have value among collectors or enthusiasts. It's advised to research and consult with experts or evaluate market demand to determine the specific worth of a wooden coat hanger.

Where did you do the puzzle to get the azure flute?

You can't do any puzzles to get the Azure Flute because there are no puzzles available in order to get it.

Are crossword puzzles good for everyone's brain?

Any puzzles are good for people's brains. The practice and stimulation keep your brain "in shape." Crossword puzzles are visual and vocabulary based, using lots of different abilities.

What is a question in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?

Questions! Professor Layton's puzzles asks you questions, each time you come across one of the puzzles, these puzzles require that you find the answer before you can complete any of the games.

Where can one play a cat puzzle?

You can play or buy cat puzzles at Serious Puzzles, Pet Food Direct, Jigzone, Kongregate, Cat Games and Jigzone websites. You can find a variety of puzzles for any type of cat.

Free printable word search puzzles for spa party?

no we do not have any

What are some word puzzles which can be used for dementia therapy?

Some word puzzles that can be used for dementia therapy are any puzzles that the patient once enjoyed working on in their spare time. Perhaps a puzzle the patient has solved in the past will help them.

Are there any websites that have word search puzzles?

Yes, there are several good websites for word search puzzles. "LiveWire Puzzles" and "Word Search Puzzles" are both free and printable. has a great variety of word search puzzles. Every day they have a new word search, codebreaker, sudoku and jigsaw puzzle. They've got brainteasers, and jokes too! Yeah, try

What are some popular games and puzzles for toddlers?

Highlights magazine is a wonderful source of games, puzzles and activities for toddlers. Of course, hide and seek would be a favorite for any child. Search the web and see that there are as many games and puzzles as there are children to play them.

Penny press logic art?

pennypress is the printer of puzzles. you can get their magazines at any book store. One of their puzzles is called logic art . Logic art is like Kuduko.