

Do silly bandz give you cancer?

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13y ago

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There is no evidence that Silly Bandz cause cancer. They are die cut from silicone which is used in many other applications for many years directly against people's skin.

It is certainly possible however that long term wear of many Silly Bandz might cause a contact rash due to sweating.

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13y ago
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Q: Do silly bandz give you cancer?
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What precaution should you take with silly bandz?

they might give cancer

Can you get cancer by wearing silly bandz?

No, it isn't possible to get cancer from silly bandz because they do not have a high enough content of chemicals.

Can sillybandz give you skin cancer?

no silly bandz can not give you skin cancer because a person would have to inject skin cancer in to the object.

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1.Silly Bandz!! 2.Silly Bandz!! 3.Silly Bandz!! 4.Silly Bandz!! 5.Silly Bandz!! 6.Silly Bandz!! 7.Silly Bandz!! 8.Silly Bnadz!! 9.Silly Bandz!! 10.Silly Bandz!!

How do silly bandz give you skin cancer?

They shouldn't. Just make sure you're not allergic to silicone or you'll have a reaction.

Why do silly bandz cause cancer?

Silly Bandz have not been proven to cause any type of cancer. The only pose-able health risks are that they are choking hazards for children under the age of 3 as well as if you were tight Silly Bandz or too many of them at the same time, for a period of time, it may lead to impairment of blood flow. What To Do: Do not let children under the age of 3 get a hold of Silly Bandz Do not wear Silly Bandz for too long. If they begin to feel uncomfortable, take them off. Do not wear the small, tight Silly Bandz. Wear the loose, larger ones. Silly Bandz have not been recalled. Just don't wear tight ones and you'll be fine.

What is better- Silly Bandz or Zany Bandz?

The best is silly bandz.This is why they are 1.silly bandz are easier to find 2.silly bandz wont break as fast as zanzi bandz 3.silly bandz have a web sight 4.they are cooler and cheaper

What types of silly bandz cause skin cancer?

well truth is all types of silly bands cause skin cancer because they are made out of a material used such as condoms....but not knew condoms they are made out of recycled condoms that the reason they cause skin cancer

Do glow in the dark silly bandz made cancer?

some do but you have to buy them but normal ones do not .

Which came first silly bandz or goofy bandz?

silly bandz, goofy bandz are just a copied idea.