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It is illegal to have a sloth as a pet.

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Q: Do sloths use a litter box or what Can they be potty trained?
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How do you train a bunny potty trained?

you take the bunny and put it on a kitty litter box :D

Can you buy a hedgehog from a pet store that is already potty trained to go in a litter box?

Yes, if you go to a petstore and they have hedgehogs they will most likley be pottytrained.

Can pet rats be potty trained?

Yes they can. Some pet shops sell litter boxes for rats. To be successful use the same kind of bedding that your rat currently uses in the cage for the litter and a new type of bedding for the rest of the cage. Place the litter box in the same area that they use now to go potty.

Can a bunny be trained?

Yes, they can be litter box trained and they can be trained to do tricks.

How do you train your kittens to go in the potty in litter box?

To litter train a kitten all you have to do is show them the litter box and they will naturally go in the litter box. thats what my cat did. she was never taught. this is not a stupid answer so dont say it is

Can hamsters eat their potty litter from the litter box?

Yes. Hamsters are just like guinea pigs. Their "potty" still has nutrients that can be helpful to their body. Hamsters' food also may not have enough nutrients, and that is why they may be eating their "potty."

Which litter manufacturer endorses Paw Points?

"Fresh Step endorses Paw Points. You can use Fresh Step for cats, dogs, pigs, bunnies, and any other potty trained animal that uses a litter box. It also is odor free."

Can a puppy get trained to use a litter box?


Can small dogs be litter box trained?


How do you train a chicken to use a litter box?

Chickens can be trained to do many things.....for food reward. You might be able to train the chicken to potty on command in the litter box as long as you keep providing a reward. However birds digestive systems are different from mammal and they just can't "hold it" like mammals and will always have accidents.

How do you make a cat go in the kitty litter box?

you have to rub it nose in it poop and such and then when he goes in the litter box give him a treat.

How do you potty train an adult cat?

Potty training my cats were very simple. All I did was get a litter box put in my bathroom and filled it with litter and then just put the cat in the litter box and they just knew what to do and now they where to go to do their business. It also a good idea if you have multiple cats to have more than one litter box if they are inside cats. another problem is if you have a door on your litter box I'd recommend taking that off for a couple days to get them used to the litter box first. Now if you have outside cats you don't have to worry about any of this. Another thing is it might be to dark for them so maybe leave the light on.