

Do snails eat limestone

Updated: 9/14/2023
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Q: Do snails eat limestone
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Are snails omnivores carnivores or herbivores?

Snails are herbivores. Snails are omnivores and they consume earthworks with incredible efficiency. Look it up on YouTube "Snail eat worm" A snail eats mostly plants and most living leaves and plant barks. They also eat paper and cardboard believe it or not. That and limestone and chalk to help their shells stay strong

How and what snails eat?

snails eat veggies

Do apple snails eat small snails?

Apple Snails will eat other snails if you don't feed them. If you feed them, then they are alright.

Do Jews eat snails?

Jews who eat kosher will not eat snails since snails are not kosher. However, not all Jews eat according to the laws of kashrut, so some Jews do eat snails.

How do snail eat food?

Most land snails eat plants and other vegetation. Snails eat mostly living plants as well as decaying plants. They also chew on fruits and young succulent plant barks. Snails also eat algae. A snail has something called radula in its mouth for grinding up its food. This radula is like a rough tongue, something like a file with rows of tiny teeth, which it uses to scrape off leaves and flowers to eat. Snails can also gnaw through limestone. They eat the little bits of chalk in the rock, which they need for their shells (calcium). Many people get upset and farmers get angry when snails eat their plants and crops. Snails can cause serious damage to crops.

Can snails eat pears?

Yes. Snails can eat about the same things that people eat.

What is the name of hard dorset limestone made from shells of snails?

dolostone. dolostone.

What does snails eat?

Different types of snails eat different things. Many snails eat algae or plant material. However there are a great number of predatory snails that eat fish, insects, and other animals. Most land snails eat plants, but snails that live in the ocean have a wide variety of diets.

What do salt water snails eat?

Hi my names Adri, Snails eat mushrooms, fruit, leaves, flowers, bark, algae, limestone, chalk, damp paper and cardboard.They drink water dont give them water at home or they will die :( But i give my snails only a little water they wont die like that They love rain...Anyways i have a lot of pets going to have more ask me about turtles if you want to bye!

Do snails eat chrysanthemums?

Snails do indeed eat chrysanthemums. But you can hand pick the snails off the flowers. Then drop the snails in a bucket of soapy water.

Do ducks eat snails?

I know its hard to believe, but, ducks do eat snails.

Do humans eat snails?

Snails are herbivores, they only eat plants.