

Do snails eat soggy cardboard

Updated: 11/17/2022
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12y ago

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Yes, they do eat soggy cardboard some even eat dry card board and some don't eat it at all it all depends on their appetite

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Q: Do snails eat soggy cardboard
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Do snails eat cardboard?

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i have owned 4 African land snails before and they can eat all sorts of fruits and veges such as lettuces ,bananas,plums, pares .pares are like a treat to snails they like it a lot and can be fed it really every day iv also herd they can eat soggy dog biscuits make shore it wet bit like it it braking apart. all sorts of soft fruit will do for all snails to eat

How and what snails eat?

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gets soggy and falls apart

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Apple Snails will eat other snails if you don't feed them. If you feed them, then they are alright.

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Jews who eat kosher will not eat snails since snails are not kosher. However, not all Jews eat according to the laws of kashrut, so some Jews do eat snails.

Can snails eat pears?

Yes. Snails can eat about the same things that people eat.

What does snails eat?

Different types of snails eat different things. Many snails eat algae or plant material. However there are a great number of predatory snails that eat fish, insects, and other animals. Most land snails eat plants, but snails that live in the ocean have a wide variety of diets.

Do snails eat chrysanthemums?

Snails do indeed eat chrysanthemums. But you can hand pick the snails off the flowers. Then drop the snails in a bucket of soapy water.