

Do snake's limbs bear claws

Updated: 11/16/2022
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8y ago

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Snakes don't have external limbs.

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Q: Do snake's limbs bear claws
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Do snakes have four claws?

Snakes are a serpent, thus have NO claws at all.

How many claws can a snake have Carl Sagan claims the mamba has four one for each vestigial leg.?

Snakes do not have claws. They have evolved from reptiles with limbs, but over time, their legs became vestigial and eventually disappeared. Therefore, snakes do not have any claws, including the mamba. Carl Sagan's claim about the mamba having four claws for vestigial legs is not accurate.

Do snakes have fingers?

No. Snakes lack limbs entirely.

Do snakes use teeath fangs claws or etc?

fangs; snakes don't have teeth or claws

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Do snakes and bunnies look alike?

I'd say no. Rabbits have four limbs, external ears and fur. Snakes have scales, no ears and no limbs.

What will happen if Po grew huge bear claws?

all pandas have claws so bear claws would be no different! save the pandas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What kind of animals does not have paws or claws?


Why don't rattlesnakes have limbs?

because they're snakes..

Why does snakes have no limbs?

it depends on what your asking: religious or scientific?

What is a limbless reptile?

snakes are reptiles and they don't have limbs

How do you explain the lack of limbs in snakes?

In simple terms - evolution ! Snakes & lizards share a common ancestry. While lizards chose to keep using their limbs, snakes evolved to depend on their external limbs less over time. Eventually, over many thousands of years, their limbs grew shorter until they disappeared completely. The only evidence their limbs existed - is remnants of bone in their skeletons.