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They should be separated for at least three months. That way - when you re-introduce them - they will view each other as strangers.

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Q: Do snakes have to be separated before you breed them or can they be kept together?
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Will different species of snakes get along?

no. all snakes are solitary animals in the wild that only come together to breed or sometimes for hibernation.

Should you keep your male and female hamsters together in the same cage?

If you do they'll breed. Be ready to deal with that, or keep them separated.

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only if you breed two corn snakes

Can you raise two king snakes in one tank?

No ! Part of a King snake's diet is... other snakes ! The only time you could house two together would be during an attempt to breed from them !

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Usually this only happens when the male is either too young (inexperienced) to breed or he is too weak to breed. Either way they need to be separated before one gets killed. Then they need to be given both time and good food for a couple of months before putting them together again.

Can a baby ball python be in the same cage as a grown ball python?

"ball pythons in general should not be housed together. ..unless breeding. one will dominate the other and one will suffer " Ball Pythons, as with most other snakes.. should not be housed together at all. Even a mother should be separated from her babies as soon as you can. Snakes are very dominant and will fight for food if there is competition, which is what having two snakes in the same tank would create. If you are planning to breed your snakes, They are not mature enough to begin breeding until about 3 years of age and they should be slowly introduced to each other to avoid fighting.

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Do green tree snakes inter breed with brown snakes?

sometimes, it depends, most snakes stick with their "type" but there have been rare cases when snakes interbreed.

Do water moccasins and black snakes breed?

No, they are not closely related enough to breed, it is genetically imposible.

Can corn snakes breed with kingsnakes?

No - they are different species, which would never inter-breed naturally.

Are there snakes in Norway?

Because they breed, live and eat

Can nonvenomous and venomous snakes breed?

No, it is a genetic impossibility for two entirely different species from different families to breed.