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Catholic AnswerCatholics are called upon by Our Blessed Lord to love God, and our neighbor as ourselves. Therefore, we are called upon by God to love all men, regardless of their feelings. However, we are not called upon to love sin or to accept sin. The old adage comes into play here, "love the sinner, hate the sin." The problem arises in modern times when men are attempting to re-write reality. They are saying that homosexuals can not help how they are and from that they are trying to say that they can not help sinning. Christianity teaches that all sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman for the purposes of mutual love and the begetting of children is a sin. And that no amount of rationalizing is going to change reality that God created. To "like" someone is an emotion, people do not really have control over their emotions, they do have control over their actions. To love somebody is an action that is commanded by God. Everybody's likes and dislikes are his own personal problem between him and God, how he acts is how he is going to be judged. All Catholics are called upon to love everyone, including homosexuals. All homosexuals are called upon to love God (just like Catholics) and both are called upon to show that love in their actions. Neither is called to sin.
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14y ago

They may agree with lesbians on certain subjects but they don't like their lifestyle, much less their sex lives.

well I'm catholic and i completely agree with the whole lesbian thing but my granny and some of my older members of family don't agree but it all depends on the person

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10y ago

The Catholic Church says that anyone who has same sex attractions is a child of God and is loved by Jesus. The same sex attraction by itself is not a sin, but it is objectively disordered, and homosexual actions are gravely sinful. Therefore, people with same sex attractions must live Christian lives celibately.

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Q: Do some Catholics like gays and lesbians?
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YES. There is a community of gays and lesbians in Lebanon and there are some gay and lesbian bars in Lebanon. However, since homosexuality is a criminal offense in Lebanon, all of the aspects of gay culture, such as bars, groups, sex, etc. are hidden and underground.DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ACT "GAY" IN PUBLIC IN LEBANON. While there are gays and lesbians, they are required to keep their identity secret to avoid punishment.

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Most gays already understand that some people aren't going to accept them.

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Most of the persecution is religious-based, but some people fear the unknown.

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one modern day Holocausts are the predujice of gays and lesbians.___No, a holocaust implies systematic mass murder on grounds of race or religion. Gays and lesbians are not being subjected to mass murder.

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It codifies into law some people's hatred towards gays and lesbians, and it also permits the government to treat gays and lesbians as second-class citizens. if you consider those to be advantages.

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While the 'old' had some chance, the rest - Extermination

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Gays and lesbians are no longer be second-class citizens.

What should you do about people that are against gays?

People fear what they do not understand. There is a lot of misinformation about gays, lesbians, and bisexuals being intentionally distributed by people who feel this fear. They think that gays, bisexuals, and lesbians will "corrupt people" and that they molest and/or rape members of the same sex. Some others will use mistranslations from the Bible as an excuse to hate homosexuals, but there arguments don't hold up under close scrutiny. Gays, bisexuals, and lesbians are just normal people with different tastes.

How do you find a lesbian to date?

You can try some hangout places like bars where lesbians and gays may hangout ... or another great place is online lesbian dating sites.

Do all gays act like girls and all lesbians act like men?

No, that's just a stereotype. It depends on the person to be honest. Some guys feel more feminine and tend to act like girls, whereas some lesbians feel like tomboys and tend to act like men. It all really just depends on the personality of the person, nothing really at all to do with their sexuality.