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Yes Aracuana chickens can lay eggs with shells in shades of blue and green.

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12y ago

Yes they can. Several breeds of chickens produce colored egg shells.

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Why are chicken's eggs colored?

Hens eggs have been colored for years as decoration and even fine works of art. Some breeds of chicken actually lay real colored eggs. Easter egg chickens, Americana and Araucana breeds lay eggs ranging from colors like dusty rose, lavender, green and even gold.

Do all chickens lay eggs?

The females from all breeds of chickens lay eggs. Some hens stop laying when they are old, but there are no breeds or varieties of chickens in which the females do not lay eggs. Roosters, as the male of the species, never lay eggs.

Can Welsummer chickens lay white eggs?

Welsummer chickens lay dark brown eggs. If you have a bird that looks like a welsummer but lays white eggs its probably a brown leghorn.

What is a fact about a chicken?

Chickens are the closest living relatives to the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Some breeds of chickens, such as the Araucana and Ameraucana breeds (also known as Easter Egg Chickens) can lay eggs varying in color, from blue to green.

What do you get when different breeds of chickens mate and we hatch the eggs what kind of chicken is that?

What you get is a cross breed. This is not always a bad thing. Breeds are born this way but with a lot more work than chance cross breeding. You can get some interesting combination when you do this on a home farm. I have a cross between an Araucana and a Cochin that produces "Gold" colored eggs.

Do some egg producers paint their eggs white?

Generally egg producers do not paint their eggs white. Some breeds of chicken will produce whiter eggs than other chickens.

What chickens lay reddish eggs?

There are several breeds that will give you nice red eggs. Barnevelder, Welsummer and Marans will lay this color. Some cross breeds will also offer nice red eggs. See Related links for more info.

When are baby chickens ready to lay eggs?

Many breeds of chickens are ready and will lay eggs by their 16th week. The first eggs from these hens are often small and can be mis-shapen or even yolkless as the birds oviducts are "practicing" what soon will become a normal everyday chore. Some breeds take a few weeks longer to mature.

What chicken breeds can be used in poultry raising?

If you are asking what some of the different breeds of chickens are out there, some egg layers are Rhode Island Reds, Isa Browns, Barred Rocks, Arucanas, among others. Some are meat and egg chickens. Guineas also lay eggs and you can eat them as well.

What are some layers of a chicken egg?

Only chickens actually lay chicken eggs. Other fowl will brood the eggs of different species such as ducks will set a clutch of hens eggs and geese will set on a clutch of duck eggs.See the link below for breeds of chickens

Does a chicken lay eggs it's whole life?

If you take really good care of your chickens, they can live to be 10 years. and they lay eggs for about 5years.

Can one chicken lay more than one color of egg?

There are hundreds of chickens all around the world.More informationThere are over 175 breeds of chicken recognized by associations. Add to that the hundreds of cross breeds on farms all over the world.