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Q: Do some medicinal compounds help neutralize stomach acids?
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How does the body neutralize the acidic material leaving the stomach?

is it when it enters your intestines where secretions from your pancreas neutralize the stomach acids

Can a base be neutralized by a hydroxide if not why?

Hydroxide compounds such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are bases. Bases do not neutralize other bases. Acids neutralize bases.

The stomach breaks down food with the help of acids called?

Neutralize acid help break down fat and prortein in the stomach.

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It depends on which Mylanta you use: see:

Chemicals produced by the body to neutralize acids and bases?

The body produce that can neutralize acids.

Do bases neutralize acids?

Bases can neutralize acids. When a strong base and acid is combined, it results in a neutralization reaction.

Why antacid use for relieving acidity in stomach?

Antacids contain compounds which neutralize the acids in the stomach.

How does tablet work?

There is two types of acidity in the world Bases and Acids when you stomach has heartburn or hurts that is because the stomach is too Acid and when you apply a base to a acid the neutralize out and cancel each other. This is how stomach tablets work they basically neutralize the acid in your stomach to stop the pain. Hope This Helped :]

Do antacid tablets contain a base that neutralizes stomach acid?

Yes. They contain weak bases (generally carbonates, bicarbonates, hydroxides) that will neutralize stomach acids.

Which two bases are found in antacids?

Antacids are a base called magnesium hydroxide. They help to neutralize stomach acids and balance out the stomachs Ph.

Chemical that breaks down fats into small droplets and helps neutralize stomach acids?

Bile juice does the digestion or emulsification of fats.

What is the chemistry behind antacid neutralising HCL?

Antacids are bases that can neutralize many acids like HCL. To neutralize an acid you have to add a base to it. Antacid tablets are used for heartburns and can reduce excess acidity in your stomach