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Q: Do some people have more rights than others?
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Why do people have a responibility to respect the rights of others?

Some would argue that people have a moral responsibility to respect the rights of others. It would also be difficult to have a healthy and well-functioning society if people did not respect the rights of others.

Is there such a thing as selfish sex?

Absolutely! Some people have NO respect for the rights of others!

Why do some people need more people than others?

Some people need more sleep than others because of their age and what they do.

What are the arguments for and against animal rights?

some people think that animals have rights to but others consider them less important than humans

Why do people become vegatran?

There are many reasons why people become vegetarians. Some people do it for health and others do it to support animal rights.

What is fin wrong with you people?

Everyone has an opinion on what is wrong with today's society. Some people think that loose morals and laziness are huge problems, while others are more concerned with the environment and human rights.

Do people have hair on their bottoms?

Most people do, some more then others.

Why do some people need more sleep than others naturally?

Some people need more sleep than others for several reasons. Some people are busier and need more sleep and some may need more sleep due to genetic reasons.

Why do some people get more dandruff than others?

Because some people produce more oil in thier scalp.

Why are farts funny to some more than others?

Some people have different sense of comedy. some will think they are funny, ehile others will be more machure

Does el salvador think animals have rights?

El Salvador is a country and does not have opinions. Some El Salvadorian people may believe animals have rights others do not.

Why do some Christians support equal rights for women in religion and some do not?

Some people on both sides of that argument sincerely believe that their positions have scriptural support. Arguably, some others among those who oppose equal rights for women and others are actually demonstrating their innate hypocrisy.